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Cliff Lee

Cliff Lee

MLB Rumors: Ranking the Next 10 Players to Sign, and Picking Where They'll Go

The rumors are flying in the already steaming Major League Baseball hot stove.  With the Winter Meetings starting today, many free agents are sure to find new homes in the upcoming days and weeks.

But where will they end up? The answer is not as sure for some as it is for others. 

With the outlandish deal given to Jayson Werth, the uncertainty of this offseason has dramatically increased. After more major players sign, the dominoes are sure to fall. Here are 10 of the most coveted prizes of this offseason, their possible suitors and where they will end up. 

MLB Trade Rumors: Five Deals Being Discussed On The Floor Of The Winter Meetings

Lake Buena Vista, FL. (2:35 PM): With the Jayson Werth deal being signed, sealed and delivered, and the Adrian Gonzalez trade done with the extension to be announced later, the entire baseball world is wondering where Cliff Lee will sign.

Lee's agent Darek Braunecker today met with the various teams interested in Lee. Braunecker met with New York Yankee and Texas Ranger officials. There was even talk the Boston Red Sox met briefly with Lee's agent, probably just to keep tabs on what the Yankees are up to.

Cliff Lee: Pay First, Ask Questions 7 Years Later

My upcoming articles will look at each free agent this season, signed or unsigned, and try to analyze what the player can be expected to do over the coming years, what the player will probably get (or has gotten) on the free agent market, and what I would want to pay the player if I was in charge.

Cliff Lee: Will New York Yankees Snag Free Agent at MLB Winter Meetings?

Cliff Lee is, as expected, the most coveted free agent as the MLB Winter Meetings open this week in Florida. Despite the Boston Red Sox' acquisition of Adrian Gonzalez and the mega-deal between Jayson Werth and the Nationals, Lee remains at the forefront of the rumor mill as proceedings begin.

Was It Werth It? Jayson Werth's Deal Is Just the Start of Big-Time Contracts

Jayson Werth, Carl Crawford would love to give you a hug or at least send you a thank you card because what you did for his new contract isn't something he can put into words.

Although, the stupidity of the Washington Nationals should be worth something to Crawford as well because if it wasn't for the team in the nation's capital, Crawford wouldn't be looking at nearly the amount of money that he'll command now.

MLB Rumors: New York Yankees Enter 2010 Winter Meetings with Cliff Lee in Mind

Tomorrow will begin an extremely important event for the baseball community, the Baseball Winter Meetings.

All eyes will be on Orlando, Florida at the Swan and Dolphin Resort in Walt Disney World as the meetings will take place from December 6 until December 9 (Monday until Thursday.)

Representatives from all 30 teams will be down in Florida, along with minor league baseball representatives and officials from the Major League Baseball offices as well.

Deferred Dollars Are New York Yankees' Key to Carl Crawford

Courtesy of Yankees 'n More

Everybody knows the New York Yankees have their hearts set on adding lefty ace Cliff Lee this offseason, perhaps as early as the winter meetings next week. Of late, however, there has been a lot of talk about the interest being shown by the Bronx Bombers in free agent outfielder Carl Crawford.

MLB Rumors: Derek Jeter Saga and Where Lee, Crawford, and Werth Could End Up

Derek Jeter, Carl Crawford, Cliff Lee, and Jayson Werth have the Hot Stove burning up and the MLB landscape is bound to look different, with Jeter the only one likely to end up back with the same team.

Rumors are flying around like mosquitoes in the summer time. The non-stop talk about Jeter can also be related to mosquitoes because they both do one thing to people: annoy them.  

Enough about mosquitoes, it's time to get back to Hot Stove talk and address everything worth talking about right now in baseball.

Is Cliff Lee as Good as Billy Pierce?

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was a left-handed pitcher named Walter William Pierce. His friends called him "Billy."

At the age of 31, Billy had pitched for 11 seasons. He averaged 16 wins, 13 defeats, a 3.14 ERA and a 126 ERA+ over a 162-game season, but in those days, a season was 154 games.

MLB Rumors: Cliff Lee's Top 5 Landing Spots Outside of Texas

Cliff Lee is a free agent this offseason, as everyone knows by now, and let us celebrate by taking a look at the five best suitors for his pitching services.

The ace seems content in Texas, but staying put is no fun—just ask LeBron James.

Click to view five potential Cliff Lee landing spots this offseason.

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