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Cliff Lee

Cliff Lee

ALCS 2010: Cliff Lee Is Leading the Texas Rangers to the World Series

Before the game yesterday, Cliff Lee facts were trending on Twitter (#cliffleefacts). Some of the facts were ridiculous, such as "Cy Young won five Cliff Lee Awards", and "Neftali Feliz does not have to come to the game when Cliff Lee pitches, because Cliff Lee needs no closer."

ALCS Game 3: Cliff Lee Locked in, Yankees Offense Locked in Neutral

There's no way you can take away from what Cliff Lee did last night.

Trust me, I'd love to. I wish I could say it had something to do with his "magic" hat, a pact with Satan, or some potent HGH cocktail guzzled before first pitch, but I just can't.

MLB Rumors: The Top 25 Free Agents of the Offseason

As the playoffs wrap up, a World Series champ is crowned, and several players are given the MVP and Cy Young awards for their efforts, other players are looking to next year.

These are players that may or may not be sure of where they're playing, and are looking forward to see just how much money they will be making over the next few years. Likewise, any teams that have deep pockets and any holes in their lineup will be looking through what's out there and will try and make their team the best that it can be heading into 2011.

MLB Playoffs 2010: Cliff Lee and 5 Other Top Performances

Texas Rangers pitcher, Cliff Lee had one of the 2010 MLB postseason's best performances last night at Yankee Stadium.  He struck out 13 New York Yankees hitters, while only allowing two hits and zero runs in eight innings.

While that seems like an outstanding game, (which it is) a couple other performances have one-upped Lee when it comes down to the final stat line.

2010 is definitely the year of the pitcher (outside of 1968), a couple of hitting performances have been just as important. 

Did the slugger of your favorite postseason team make the list?

New York Yankees Accuse Cliff Lee, Then Fall Off Cliff

This just in: Cliff Lee is good. I mean really good.

Cliff Lee could pull a Ron Burgundy right now: "Hey everyone, come see how good I look!"

Sometimes when you are getting ready to stare fate in the face, you may not be ready for the outcome.  Especially if you've seen it before.

Enter the New York Yankees.

2010 ALCS Game 3: Cliff-Less New York Yankees Lose to Texas Rangers

Even knowing the Texas Rangers had Cliff Lee on the mound, the New York Yankee fans arrived at the game ready for a win and made it loud and clear

That dream became a nightmare pretty fast, as Lee brought his A-plus game once again and the Rangers won 8-0.

So, instead fans left confused, discouraged and embarrassed. Below are the three dilemmas I had, after freezing my butt off in the Bronx:

MLB Rumors: Texas Rangers or New York Yankees? Why Cliff Lee Ends Up In Texas

After last night's performance, there is no way the Texas Rangers can let Cliff Lee walk as a free agent.

Even winning the World Series this season would not be worth it to the franchise if Lee walks, goes to a rival playoff team like the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox or even their division rival Los Angeles Angels*.

ALCS 2010: Cliff Lee Stifles New York Yankees as Texas Rangers Take Game 3

The New York Yankees crowd rose to their feet, cheering on their team. But what they were cheering was indicative of the start put together by a certain Texas Rangers unflappable left-handed pitcher. The ovation formulated when a Yankees hitter worked a three-ball count—nothing more. This is how dominant Cliff Lee—their nonchalant, modest, 31-year-old ace—was.

ALCS Game 3: Texas Rangers Report Card After 8-0 Win Over Yankees

The Yankees came back home to open up their end of the ALCS and even with big-game Andy Pettitte on the mound, they couldn't defeat Cliff Lee.

The Rangers, behind their ace, put up two early runs and rode Lee to victory. Lee was unhittable and didn't even allow a hit until the fifth inning.

The Rangers' offense exploded in the ninth for six additional runs as Texas took a 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven series. Here's a report card, breaking down every angle of the Rangers' 8-0 win.

ALCS 2010: After Game 3 Loss, Should New York Yankees Start A.J. Burnett?

It was unclear which starter would go in game three for the Yankees after the ace they courted in a trade earlier this year jilted them again with yet another magnificent playoff performance.

The worst shut out home loss in Yankee history came during a start for their left hander who is the most prolific winners in MLB playoff history: Andy Pettitte.

The opposing lefty laced them with cut fastballs and knuckle curves while taking a two-run lead into the top of the ninth.


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