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Manny Ramirez

Manny Ramirez

Manny Ramirez: Why He'll Poison the Chicago White Sox Playoff Hopes

So Manny Ramirez is now on the waiver wire and in all likelihood, he's packing up shop and headed to Chicago to join the White Sox.

Chicago is trying to make a push for the playoffs and hope that Manny is the piece that puts them over the top. Of course, they are insane and misguided, but that's what they believe.

This is going to end badly, and here's the best 10 (because there are a million) reasons why Manny Ramirez will kill the White Sox slim playoff hopes.

Manny Ramirez On Waivers: Why The White Sox Will Stake Their Claim

Will "MannyWood" be moving to a new address soon? Well, it seems so, and there's a very good chance that new address will be 333 West 35th Street by next Tuesday, if all goes as planned.

Manny Being Manny: But How Long Will Ramirez Stay in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Manny Ramirez has been talked about being put on waivers that would probably send the veteran to a playoff contending team. He does have a full no trade clause that can prevent him from being on waivers and being traded.

The Dodgers are 8.0 games back of 1st place in the National League West, and the Wild Card is full of other tough teams to beat. The chance of reaching the postseason for the team seems unlikely. 

Manny Ramirez Set to Hit Waivers This Week: Where Will He End Up?

Manny Ramirez's days with the Los Angeles Dodgers seem to be coming to an end, as the general consensus around baseball is that he will end up on waivers early this week. 

Monday was the first opportunity the Dodgers had to put Ramirez on waivers because it was the first business day after Ramirez came off the disabled list, but they are not expected to do so.

Vin Scully To Return in 2011, Keep Los Angeles Dodgers Relevant

For the 62nd spring, Vin Scully will pull up a chair and call games for the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Scully announced Sunday that he will return for the 2011 season on a one-year contract and keep his normal schedule with the Dodgers, which consists of calling all home games plus road games against National League West opponents.

“I’m just honored and humbled to continue my association with the Dodgers, which has been a major part of my life,” Scully said in a statement.

Roger Clemens and the 10 Greatest Players Not Bound for Cooperstown

Oh, Roger.

Love him or hate him, the news that Roger Clemens is being (it is hard to even type it out) indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of making false statements to Congress about his use of performance-enhancing drugs is down-right depressing.

There was a time when the baseball viewing public was being forced to ask themselves:

"Could Roger Clemens be ready to surpass Walter Johnson as the greatest pitcher of all time?"

Top Five Dodger Wives, Girlfriends and Ex's of The Past Five Years

While the Dodgers' season appears to be slowly fading into a dismal abyss of disappointments and shortcomings, a welcomed break to the negativity is...well...the hot significant others of current and former Dodgers. 

While the Dodgers may be in disarray, one thing they have going for them is gorgeous women by their side cheering them up. Check out these shots of Dodgers wives, girlfriends, and ex's past and present.

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LA Dodgers Win 2011 World Series: A "What If?' Timeline

The Los Angeles Dodgers are fading fast, and are already eying the San Francisco Giants with a fleeting hope of making a remarkable comeback and a wild-card berth.

MLB's Five Most Overpaid Players in 2010

With only a few more months to go before a champion is crowned, the 2010 season is winding down. As always, there are those players who have outplayed their current contract and those players who haven't lived up to the millions of dollars that they are being paid.

Problems with age, injuries, and plain-old ineffectiveness are some reasons why these players made the list. It may not be fair to pick on someone who has battled injuries, but the club still has to pay the salary regardless if they are hurt or not. 


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