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Alex Rodriguez and 600 Home Runs: Does He Have 162 More Left in Him?

Either tonight, tomorrow, or at some point in the near future, New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez is going to swing his familiar swing the way he has 599 times before and become the seventh player ever to hit 600 major league home runs.

When he does so, he will join an exclusive club comprised of Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Ken Griffey Jr., and Sammy Sosa.

The 'Top' 10 New York Mets Blown Saves of the 2000s

From Benitez to Looper to Wagner to K-Rod, the 21st century has been cruel to New York Mets closers.

Let's take a look back at some of the more "memorable" meltdowns of the last decade.

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MLB: The New York Mets Carlos Beltran is Returning, but What Can He Offer?

What was once thought to be a disaster situation for the New York Mets turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

The Mets played the entire first half of the season without center fielder Carlos Beltran, and not only managed to keep their heads above water, but have been one of the best teams in the National League.

Cliff Lee Talks Between Mariners and Yankees Are Stalled

Fox Sports is reporting that trade talks between Seattle and New York have stalled.

A source says that Seattle is concerned about David Adams' health, and that led them to ask for more.

The Yankees are unwilling to accommodate that request, and the two teams are at a standstill.

The Reds have begun to intensify their talks with the Mariners now, and the Rangers are also lingering.

Reports that a deal to the Yankees is imminent may have been a little premature

Lee remains scheduled to pitch tonight. By then we will surely know more.

Robinson Cano Pulls Out of Home Run Derby

Most people make way too big a deal about the drop-off players experience after participating in the Home Run Derby. It’s more likely statistical regression than anything else.

Nevertheless, Yankee coaches did not want Robinson Cano participating in this year’s Home Run Derby, and it looks like they are getting their way.

Why R.A. Dickey Should Be an All-Star for the New York Mets

Robert Allen Dickey. The man. The myth. The legend. The knuckleballer. The All-Star? Cy Young Award winner?! MVP?!? Hall of Famer?!?! 

I may be getting a bit carried away there at the end, but no one can argue that Dickey has been anything but amazing for the Mets in his seven starts since filling in due to injuries. 

Five Reasons Why the New York Mets Will Win the NL East

To say it’s been a roller-coaster season for the fellas from Flushing would be an understatement.

Jerry Manuel’s firing appeared to be a sure thing six weeks ago.

Yankees' Interleague Schedule Sets Up World Series Rematches for New York

The Yankees are right in the middle of their interleague games this season and are heading west to play the D-Backs and Dodgers, two former World Series opponents.

Their last two series have been against the Mets and Phillies, who were also in the World Series against the Bombers.

The Phils and Yanks faced off last October, with the Yankees winning the series four games to two for their unprecedented 27th championship. But it was the Phillies who took the three-game series this year.

Yankees-Phillies: CC Sabathia and Company Patiently Defeat Roy Halladay

The Yankees made the right move by not moving against their longtime foe, Roy Halladay. The former Blue Jays ace and now Phillies pitcher was dealing, but at the wrong spots.

The Yankees took the bad pitches and were able to get ahead in the count and ahead in the game. 

The Yankees chose to wait for their perfect pitch, and it paid off. There were three home runs off the bats of Curtis Granderson, Nick Swisher, and Mark Teixeira.

Robinson Cano Taking Game to New Level with New York Yankees

Robinson Cano doesn’t get the publicity of Yankee teammates Alex Rodriguez, Derek Jeter, and Mark Teixeira, but he is having the best season of any Yankee position player in 2010.

He is currently leading the majors in hitting with a .376 average and is fourth in the majors in runs batted in with 46 with only Miguel Cabrera, Vladimir Guerrero, and Evan Longoria ahead of him.


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