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Around The Horn: American League


When you look at the American league this year, it's hard to predict which team will claim any of the divisions. All of these teams have amazing talent on them, which is good.


American League East

I cannot wait to see this battle get underway. This was Yankees' and Red Sox' stomping ground for the past few years, until the worm turned for the Rays.

Each team has a solid rotation, dangerous lineups, and good bullpens.

Keys to Texas Rangers Success: Trades

Spring Training and Opening Day bring new hope to most baseball fans around the country. Yet for Rangers fans, Opening Day is typically the only sellout of the year and the beginning of a summer of heartbreak.

However, excuse me for beating the dead horse of optimism just one more time. Old habits die hard.

"Sports Illustrated" wrote in a recent edition that, within the next two years, the Rangers could be the next Tampa Bay, and I agree. The keys to Rangers success not only this year, but next year as well, lies in the hands of Jon Daniels and well-executed trades.

Spring Training Preview Revisited: Crowe, Jackson, and Lewis Make Their Moves

Back in February, I previewed the entire spring training for the Cleveland Indians. I thought it would be interesting to take a trip back to the 11th of that month and revisit what was said and analyze it compared to what actually happened.

In case you need a refresher, the entire preview can be read, here.


Keep an Eye On

The three chosen for this section were Michael Brantley, Wes Hodges, and Vinnie Chulk.

Kansas City Royals Surrounded by Anticipation Heading Into 2009

Some have already dubbed the Kansas City Royals the Rays of 2009.

While that may be a bit of a stretch, there is plenty of proof around the club that the '09 campaign could be one of their best since 2003.

Since Dayton Moore's arrival as General Manager prior to the 2007 season, there's been more and more anticipation before each season. Right now, it's at an all-time high.

2009 Rockies Preview: Keys to Success

The key to a team's early season success is the production coming from all parts of their lineup. 

This doesn't mean just hitting. It means hitting, pitching, and fielding all together.

The Rockies are in a position they have never been in before this season. Every year since their inception into the MLB, they have had at least one big-name star anchoring their lineup.

Not this year.

With the trade of Matt Holliday to the Oakland A's, that star's presence left the franchise. 

Who Has the Best Rotation in the NL East?

It's easy to argue that the National League East has the most pitching depth of any division in baseball.

From two of the best individual pitchers in the game residing in Philly and New York to Atlanta's deep group, the East features a variety of staff designs and clearly outclasses the rest of MLB.

The real question is: Which of the five teams in the division is the best?

I will go in-depth to determine that which I believe to be the best.


Good: New York Mets


Minnesota Twins Could Use a Quick Start

The Minnesota Twins haven't been a quick study in recent years.

Under Manager Ron Gardenhire, the Twins are just three games over .500 in the first 25 games of each season since he took over in 2002.

Ironically, the Twins were under the .500 mark at that point of the season in three of the four years that they garnered division titles.

It goes to show you that baseball is a marathon, not a sprint.

And that the Minnesota Twins know how to make adjustments as the baseball season wears on.

The 2009 season is a little different.

The Long Road to October: Final Edition

It's the final stretch, the fourth quarter! It's time to find out how the Cubs will perform in 2009, or at least according to my projections.

Evaluating the Phillies and the NL East in 2009 with PECOTA

Now, I think it’s time to put some of these projections into play across the entire National League East, to give a better feel for just what the Phillies may—or may not—be up against in the NL’s toughest division this year.

To keep things consolidated, I’ll be using PECOTA Value Over Replacement Player (VORP) projections, as provided by Baseball Prospectus.


Starting Rotation

Ultimate NL East Preview

1. New York Mets

Pitching: Their rotation is very average and top heavy. Johan Santana is as dominating as ever, having one of the most underrated seasons of any starting pitcher, but after that the drop off is sever.

Mike Pelfrey and John Maine are both young pitchers who project to be middle-of-the-rotation guys with heavy fastballs. Oliver Perez provides a good left-handed change of pace and Livan Hernandez is a good innings eater for the back of the rotation.


Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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