Opening Day was a big day for baseball fans, but it was an extremely special day for young Ainsley Williams.
March 31, 2014 was a day the young girl will never forget. The three-year-old had been battling cancer of the soft tissue since she was one. For 22 weeks, Ainsley and her family made 16-hour round trips from Marquette, Mich., to Detroit for treatment.
This past Monday was her final day of chemotherapy, which was cause for celebration. Ainsley's grandfather surprised the family with tickets to the Detroit Tigers' Opening Day game against the Kansas City Royals:
Ainsley's first Tigers game turned out to be a good one as Detroit walked off with a 4-3 victory over Kansas City.
Although Ainsley is done with chemotherapy, she will still have one more surgery to ensure that she is cancer-free.
[Fox 2 Detroit Facebook, Fox 2 Detroit]
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