Any fair weather baseball fan is aware of the steroid era we currently suffer through, filled with bureaucratic reports, player confessions (or lack thereof) and widespread cheating (to put it bluntly).
As unfortunate as it is to say, the battle towards purity is far from over.
Even after the swift suspension of 12 MLB players in early August, some stars have escaped the grasp of the league unscathed.
Is this fair?
Players that have made, and continue to make, a significant impact on the game are also admitted users of PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs). This calls into question the enormous grey area the MLB has created surrounding the use of illegal substances.
To many it should be black and white—if a player has used PEDs, the result is a lifetime ban. And we may be heading in that direction.
For now, let's direct our attention to six players who have eluded the league's guillotine.
H/t to Baseball's Steroid Era
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