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Armando Galarraga Has Perfect Game Spoiled By Blown Call

In what will only be considered the biggest blown call in the history of Major League Baseball, Armando Galarraga's perfect game was brutally stolen from him by the cold-hearted first base umpire, Jim Joyce.

It was the ninth inning with two outs, and Galarraga had thrown just 87 pitches before Jason Donald softly grounded one to the hole in second base, where Miguel Cabrera fielded it and threw it to first where Galarraga himself stood. He caught the ball, and the game was seemingly over. Cabrera had already started celebrating. Then, in a heart-crushing blow, Joyce spread his arms wide open, and the stadium of 17,000 fans fell silent. 

Donald himself nearly collapsed, as he held his head in shock. Galarraga smirked, knowing that his claim to fame had been taken away from him. Cabrera was fuming, and he continued to until well after the game, while Joyce was surrounded by the Tigers following the 3-0, one-hit win. 

The inning started with a deep fly out to center, where Austin Jackson took a page out of Willie Mays by making a spectacular basket catch over the shoulder. Mike Redmond then grounded out to short, and it was all but done before Donald was able to reach on the first "hit" of the game. 

The announcers for FSN Detroit were besides themselves, trying to contain their anger for Joyce. Tigers manager Jim Leyland had to do the same, as he was clearly upset following the play. 

This will no doubt be considered a historic play, however, its potential repercussions could be immediate.

This story will possibly be more talked about considering the controversy around it.

This is going to obviously promote the case for the use of instant replay, which has been a controversial topic in recent years. In addition, one has to be interested about the future of 22-year umpiring veteran Joyce. Will he be able to show his face on a field again?

He single-handedly ruined this perfect game. 

Just to note, it would have been the third perfect game this month, but just the 21st in the history of the game. 

Sorry Armando, it may not be official, but you deserve it.

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