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Brian Wilson Video: Watch ESPN Anchors Fear the Beard

Brian Wilson Video Shows San Francisco Giants Closer's Beard Having a Life of Its Own

If you needed any further proof that San Francisco Giants closer Brian Wilson is from another planet, ESPN's latest This Is SportsCenter commercial has just confirmed it.

In the video, Wilson gives ESPN anchors an inside look at his "game face" and why opposing hitters do indeed "Fear the Beard."

At first, Wilson's "game face" doesn't impress, drawing the responses "Dude, I don't fear the beard" and "It's just a beard."

With a snicker, Wilson deadpans, "Just a beard, guys, huh? Well, what about now."

On a cue, Wilson's beard goes Predator on the anchors, turning into some kind of alien being and causing one anchor to exclaim, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"You're welcome," Wilson says, clearly happy with himself, as the two dart away.

So there you have it, if you needed any more evidence that Wilson is out of this world, you just got it.

But did you really need any more proof?

The man is practically a walking alien probably transported here from another dimension. His mannerisms, gestures and unique way of talking just scream, "Where did this guy come from?"

He is, to quote a beer commercial, "The Most Interesting Man in the World." Or, "The Most Interesting Being in the Universe."

I wouldn't be surprised if his pitching prowess is aided by some kind of other-worldly powers that can not be described by mankind.

But obviously, it seems to be working for him just fine.

And Giants fans wouldn't have it any other way.

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