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Can The Cubs Win a World Series in the Next Ten Years?

The 2010 season has been a disaster for the Chicago Cubs so far.  They are eight games back from first place, and only have a 3.2 percent chance of making the playoffs at the moment.  Unless Lee, Ramirez, Zambrano, and Dempster can get their confidence back, I don't think the Cubs can make it.  

Putting this season aside, the Cubs' future is looking pretty swell.  I'd say that they have about seven prospects who will help in the immediate future, including Starlin Castro and Andrew Cashner.

This is the best core of prospects the Cubs have had in years.  But they will be slow to bring them up with history of bad luck with recent top prospects.

Corey Patterson, Hee-Seop Choi, and Felix Pie have all been Cubs top prospects, and all have ended up as disappointments.  Patterson is now with the Brewers, Choi in Korea, and Pie with the Orioles.  

Mark Prior had also been a top prospect for the Cubs, and helped the Cubs almost advance to a World Series, so I wouldn't say he was a disappointment.  He would still be on the Cubs if it wasn't for freak injuries, like getting hit on the elbow of your injured hand.

The Cubs prospect core includes Castro, Cashner, Josh Vitters, Brett Jackson, Hak-Ju Lee, Jay Jackson, and Kyler Burke.  Castro and Cashner have already been promoted, but the others still need time.

The Cubs are missing many key parts of a baseball team.  They needed a proven home run hitter, and I think Brett Jackson could be what they have been waiting for. He is the best power hitter the Cubs have in the minors.  Lee should be a great lead-off hitter for them in the future also.  

All of them has something special to give.  Getting them promoted with playing time all depends on what managerial moves are made at the trade deadlines, or in the off-season.

If management thinks they can win with our current roster, they are wrong.  Most of our current players are aging, and I doubt they will be productive in five years or so.   

So can the Cubs win a World Series in the next 10 years?  Well, it all depends on if these players live up to their potential, and if the management can actually make some smart moves, but Cubs fans are known for their hope, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed, and wish for the best.

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