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Changes MLB Needs to Make to Help Innovate the Game

For decades, Major League Baseball was very much like the legendary duo of Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar: It feared change.

But as attention spans draw shorter and people have more options than ever before as to how to spend their discretionary income and spare time, baseball needs to embrace change. Not only to improve the game, but to grow it, to remain relevant for future generations.

To its credit, MLB has begun to get with the times. Instant replay is here to stay. MLB Advanced Media has done some terrific things in regards to the online content that's available to fans, whether it be on a desktop, tablet or smartphone.

But baseball cannot rest on its laurels, pat itself on the back and believe that the work is done. Truth be told, the work will never actually be done, as baseball will need to continually evolve if it has any chance of surviving in an ever-changing landscape.

What follows are changes—some more easily applied than others—that would go a long way toward not only improving the game, but ensuring its long-term health. 


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