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Chicago Cubs Mental Ineptitude Becoming Routine

As a lifelong Cubs fan, I am used to watching failure.

From the infamous Bartman ball, to being swept out of the playoffs by the Dodgers in 2008, inability to win games has been a hallmark of Chicago Cubs baseball.

This season, however, has been even more difficult to watch than usual due to the slew of mental errors and unforced mistakes.

Today, for instance, when Ted Lilly threw a double play ball on a routine grounder in to left center field.

And yesterday, when Jeff Baker had not one, but two throwing errors in the same inning that resulted in three runs for the Angels in an eventual 7-6 loss.

Baker became the third Cub this month to commit two errors in one inning.

Then there was two weeks ago when the Cubs had an opposing player in a rundown, and an errant throw to left field resulted in the game-tying run in the ninth inning of an eventual one run loss.

I have been through some painful times in my life—three broken noses, several broken fingers, other breaks, and injuries of a varying nature.

Seeing a team get beat after a great effort is one thing, but watching a bunch of boneheads flub their way through this season has got to be one the most painful experiences in my life.

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