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Chicago Cubs: Score Some Runs and Prove Me Wrong

The Cubs won four in a row! Now they're back to being the greatest team in the National League!

Oh wait, did I say that? The North Siders won four in a row against the less-talented White Sox and arguably the worst team in baseball, the Cleveland Indians.

Those wins were meaningless.

The Cubs then proceeded to play the Atlanta Braves, one of the worst offenses in all of baseball. Ryan Demspter went 6 2/3 innings, yielding two earned runs.

Enough for the win? No.

Where was the comeback, Comeback Cubs? Players failed to come up in the clutch, and Alfonso Soriano and Milton Bradley had nice views of the game from the bench.

But I digress.

I am rooting for the Cubs in this next series when they will face the Detroit Tigers. Arguably, the Cubs have the advantage in two of three of the pitching matchups.

In the first game, Edwin Jackson is pitted against Carlos Zambrano. Jackson has finally come down to Earth and Zambrano has pitched extremely well in his last five or six starts.

The second game pits Rich Harden against Rick Porcello. Harden looked awful in his first game off the DL, which is understandable. He needs to come out with a good game, to prove that he's ready and resilient.

It'll be a tough test against Porcello, who has dominated NL Central opponents.

The third game pits Armando Galarraga against Ted Lilly. Lilly has pitched like an all-star this year, whereas Galarraga has been nothing short of garbage.

The Cubs pitching has consistently been there all year, and there's no reason it won't show up this weekend. The big question mark dangling over Chicago is be its misreable offense.

The team needs to bat better than .257 and drive in more than three runs a game. The Cubs pitchers are more than deserving of wins, but their offense isn't providing any help.

So, Cubs, I ask you to prove me wrong. No, I beg you.

You can easily beat the Tigers—good pitching beats good offense.

But you also have to provide at least some offense. For one three day span, I can actually say "Go Cubs!"


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