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Each MLB Team's Player Most Likely to Be Traded This Offseason

Normally, the free-agent market commands the baseball universe's attention for most of the offseason. That's about to change.

With one of the weakest free-agent classes in recent history set to hit the open market, teams are going to turn their attention to the trade market in an attempt to plug the holes on their respective rosters, while others will be looking to move veterans to clear space for an upstart youngster.

We are only focused on major league players—you won't find a prospect listed on the pages that follow. Additionally, keep this in mind: Just because a player is listed here doesn't mean that he actually will be traded. This is simply a rundown of the player each general manager will be working the phones trying to find a new home for.

The Los Angeles Dodgers' Yasiel Puig is an obvious selection, which is why the outfielder gets the marquee photo above. Which players could join him on the trade circuit this coming offseason? Let's take a look.

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