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If Luis Castillo Were to Go

As the hot stove begins to heat, like last off season the New York Mets are rumored to be shopping their starting second-basemen, Luis Castillo. Unlike last season, Castillo is not untradable. After an injury-plagued 2008, Castillo had a resurgent season in 2009, hitting .302 with a .387 OBP and 20 SB's.

As the hot stove begins to heat, like last off season the New York Mets are rumored to be shopping their starting second-basemen, Luis Castillo. Unlike last season, Castillo is not untradable. After an injury-plagued 2008, Castillo had a resurgent season in 2009, hitting .302 with a .387 OBP and 20 SB's.

To many Met fans, Castillo is their favorite whipping boy. They love to hate poor Luis. Just when he was beginning to win over hearts in Queens, he committed a devastating error. Infamously he dropped a routine pop up to cost the Amazin’s a victory against their cross-town rivals, the New York Yankees.
Personally, I am not a big Castillo-hater. He is a shell of his gold-glove base stealing-self, but he is a solid #2 hitter. He can take a strike and logs quality at bats, giving Jose Reyes enough time to steal a base.
That being said, I think the Mets would be wise to move Mr. Castillo. The Mets should learn a lesson from Carlos Delgado’s rebound in 2008 and sell high.
There are some very interesting options at second base on the market (as will be seen). If the Mets can line up a deal for one of these players, they should plug the trigger. Here are some alternative to Luis Castillo as the starting second baseman in 2010.

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