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The Jake Peavy Saga: My Prediction

More rumors have been flying around about the 2007 Cy Young Award Winner then one person has about them at my high school. Where Peavy will end up is the question on everyone's mind.

The 2007 Cy Young Award Winner has been the talk of the town in Chicago since last December. Cubs fans need him, while Sox fans want him.

The 89 career game-winner has been the hottest ticket on the trade market as of late. Peavy could make a big impact to any team he ends up playing for.

Playing in the worst division in baseball, Peavy has been able to compile 19 wins in 2007 and 10 wins in 2008, which was an injury-plagued season. Pretty impressive, if you ask me.

Just think of the possibilities if Peavy joins up with a team that can actually score him runs and give him support when he pitches for them. A team like the Cubs, White Sox, Cardinals, or the Mets could do wonders for his career.

The Padres in 2007 were second-to-last in batting average, hitting .250. They were 14th out of 16 teams in the National League in hits, and their on-base percentage was a pathetic .322. With these poor statistics, Jake Peavy was still able to win the pitching triple crown, leading the league in wins (19), ERA (2.54), and strikeouts (240). Pure dominance by the 27-year-old out of Mobile, Alabama. 

If Peavy can have a year like that with his team barely hitting and supporting him, just imagine the damage he can do on a good National League team with competition. He would be twice as dominant and even on off-days have the hitting to back him up.

Look to the Chicago Cubs' team stats. The Cubs were second in team batting average (.278), second in hits (1552), and first in on base percentage (.354). Yes, the Cubs may not win many World Series titles or go far in the playoffs, but Larry Rothschild can really change Peavy's game for the better and make him more dominant then he already is. <!-- my page break -->

My Prediction

Jake Peavy will end up on the north side nearer to the trade deadline. Cubs GM Jim Hendry is notorious for making big moves close to the deadline. Last year he signed Rich Harden on July 8 in a trade for Chad Gaudin and Harden for absolutely nothing.

Look for Hendry to make a big deal this summer for Peavy, but he may have to give up some top pitching prospects to bring over the key arm the Cubs need.


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