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Jason Heyward Looked a Bit Silly in Atlanta Braves' 2-0 Loss To Chicago Cubs

Jason Heyward is a monster. He's a stud. He's a beast.

Heck, his first at-bat was a bomb that hit off the back of the Braves' bullpen.

But last night in a 2-0 loss to the Cubs, it didn't look too good.

Heyward went 0-for-4, and he looked pretty bad to me, especially in his last at-bat, when he faced Carlos Marmol in the bottom of the ninth.

The sequence was pretty simple.

Slider down and in. Heyward swings at a ball. Strike one.

Slider down and in. Heyward swings at a ball. Strike two.

Slider down and in. Heyward swings at a ball. Strike three. Thanks for trying.

Now granted, they were three good pitches. Each one started in Heyward's wheelhouse and disappeared.

But the way Heyward looked, ugh!

They were three ugly swings, all wild and violent hacks. Kind of like he was trying to make up for the 0-for-3 night he already had going.

Now I'll give him a break, it was his third major league game.

But he's got to sit back instead of going harder.

Those first two games looked very good for him. He was hitting it hard, just dropping his head down on the ball, and hands through the zone. If he can get back to that instead of trying too hard, the Braves will be a very dangerous and explosive offensive team.

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