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Joe Mauer Tops Minnesota Twins All-Decade Team

As the first decade of the 2000s comes to a close, it seems like a fine time for a little reflection.

The Twins have arguably been one of baseball’s best franchises during the past decade.

Largely under the watch of underrated skipper, Ron Gardenhire, the Twins have won the American League Central five times.

Even more impressively, the club has maintained a high level of competitiveness all decade long, as Minnesota only finished lower than third one time, way back in 2000.

The success of the club as a whole has come as a result of numerous players over the last ten years.

As such, I’ve created the Twins All-Decade Team, a full 25-man roster meant to honor those players who played a big part in the most successful period of Twins baseball in franchise history.

Not all of the players listed below are the best players who have suited up for the club in the past ten years, but they are the players who had the biggest impact.

For example, Luis Castillo is probably the best overall second baseman to grace the Twins’ roster in the past decade, but his brief stint with the club didn’t warrant a position on this list. The same could be said about Joe Crede, who (when healthy) was arguably the best third baseman the Twins have had in years.

As such, all of the players listed have spent significant time—at least three seasons—with the Twins.

Some of the decisions were no-brainers and some required a lot more reflection. When you’re done with the slideshow, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Without any further ado, I present the Minnesota Twins All-Decade Team.

Begin Slideshow


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