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L.A. Dodgers' Prospect Is Stealing First

Teams salivate for a ballplayer who can influence a game without reaching first. The majority of the time that ballplayer is a major power threat that pitchers eye in the on-deck circle. Although Davaris (Dee) Gordon is little and different.

It is said that speed never has a slump, if that remains to be true it becomes frightening to think of what potential this 5'11", 140 lb, twenty one year old shortstop has.

Stressing fundamentals is a trait a manager would want in every player under him, that's just what this athlete does.

Ranging left and right, with a strong throwing arm matched with quickness, Dee is the player to watch in roughly two years.

Numbers don't lie, so I'll let his stats for The Great Lake Loons (A) speak for themselves.

.301 AVG, 131 G, 96 R, 162 H, 17 2B, 12 3B, 73 SB, .362 OBP.

Many numbers stand out, but it's the stolen bases that are astounding.

If Gordon can develop and continue raising his OBP there is no ceiling for the amount of swipes this young talent can produce.

It's a feat in itself, no matter the age, to hit nearly as many triples as you do doubles. Gordon accomplished this in his first season in the minors.

When asked if I wanted him to sign an autograph on the sweet spot my reply was, "damn right."

This is a future leader who can ignite any offense, and once Rafael Furcal leaves town expect Dee to get the call up and explode.

It will be fun watching a routine ground ball turn into a single.

His father Tom "Flash" Gordon played in the big leagues, so we know the genes are there.

You're on alert. Don't miss the coming of "The Flash."



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