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Maybe Carlos Zambrano Needs To Act Crazy to Be Effective

So much was made of the fact that while, yes, Carlos Zambrano pitched terribly on Monday, at least he didn't act like a maniac on the mound.

Oh yeah, that has been the source of much of the criticism levied against Big Z over the years.

That is, he has acted immature at times, and that his behavior on the mound is part of the reason why he has failed to live up to his status as the ace of the Cubs.

So a slimmer, calmer Zambrano showed up in camp this spring and most everyone said that he was headed for a monster season.

Meanwhile, what happened?

Big Z proceeded to give up eight runs in just over one inning of work on opening day.

But hey, at least he didn't blow up, everybody!

Look, I stand by my article that it's only one game and that Cubs fans shouldn't overreact to one game.

Still, I have to wonder if maybe Zambrano needs that intensity, that passion, that fire, that...whatever you call it, in order to be effective.

Now, before you answer that he had that intensity last season and won only nine games, understand that wins and losses are not a good way to judge a pitcher.

A starting pitcher depends on so many variables outside of his control to get a win.

He has to have run support.

He has to have good defense played behind him.

He has to have solid relief pitching to hold the lead.

I'm not trying to convince you that Zambrano was good last year, only that he certainly wasn't this bad.

Which raises the question of whether he needs to be crazy to be effective.

Sure, it's only one game. But if this becomes a trend, maybe Cubs management should revisit their strategy to have Big Z act so professionally on the mound.

Perhaps he needs that fist-pumping, finger-waving, glove-throwing insanity because he feeds off of that intensity.

Maybe he pitches better angry.

Maybe he needs to be himself in order to be successful.

It's not an excuse, it's just a thought.

I'm sure that Lou Piniella doesn't agree, but I bet that Ozzie Guillen would know how to get the most out of this guy.

For he may be just as crazy. Crazy like a fox.

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