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Memo to Fake Cubs Fans: I Hope You All Fall off the Bandwagon

To begin with the obvious, this season hasn’t began like most Cubs fans expected.  Cubs fans have the right to be pissed off at the lack of production on the field.  If you pay money for tickets, go ahead and be pissed off. 

But let’s be rational about it, OK?

I don’t have enough time to type out all the misfortunes and mistakes of 2009.  It’s been incredibly frustrating, especially watching games every single day.  Especially with the third highest salary in the major leagues. 

I'm upset, too.  There are plenty of times where I pull my hair out—every game.  I'm upset currently watching the Cubs give up another Randy Wells win.  The manager cannot manage, the players have lost all fundamentals, and even the commentators have gotten upset. 

But I still watch.  I'm cautiously optimistic, but I still watch.  I don't ever think about not being a Cubs fan. 

Yet, so many fans have “jumped off the bandwagon” and say that they “aren’t Cubs fans anymore.”  People have started to buy the opponents' jersey shirts to wear to Wrigley because they are so pissed off.  This thinking makes me more upset than the Cubs' recent play.

Listen, if you think this season is bad, you have no idea. 

  • It’s June
  • The Cubs are ONLY 4.5 back
  • Everyone on the team seems to have slumped at once, and most will come back

And that’s the thing that can sometimes suck about being a Cubs fan.  All the real fans will be there, supporting the team, while all the fake ones will jump off the ledge. 

The real fans are the ones that stuck with the team through all the hard times.  This isn’t even that hard of a time!  There have been many, many more.

  • 2008 – After almost a dream season, the Cubs get swept out of the playoffs
  • 2007 – The Cubs fight to win the division and get swept out of the playoffs
  • 2006 – The team lost 96 games.  96.
  • 2003 – Alex Gonzalez, Steve Bartman, etc.

And all of the ones that happened before this time was before I was born.  And everyone knows what season’s I speak of.

Speaking of 2006, I was at the final series of the regular season.  The Cubs beat the Rockies, and the whole stadium, which was sold out, walked out singing “Go Cubs Go.”  Say what you want about the song, but that’s what real Cubs fans are.  That’s what they do. 

They’re not the ones who go to the games in their flip-flops, white sunglasses and gelled hair.  They’re not the ones that try to suck down as many Mai-Tais in two hours.  They’re the ones that bleed blue and red.  You never see any of the true fans where opposing team colors to Wrigley. 

Even if this season brings failure, I’ll be back next year, the year after that, and the year after that, cheering this team on.  But, this Cubs team will make the playoffs, and all of you that were so pathetic will jump right back on the bandwagon, pretending you never jumped off.

Let's go Cubs.


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