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MLB All-Star Game: Enjoy It

The All-Star game arrives tomorrow, and tonight is the Home Run Derby. It’s a much-maligned three or four days without regular season games.


I’ve written an article about how exciting the All-Star break can be, and there are some points this year that I’d like to add.


This is the first year of the MLB Network. I’ve really liked what they’ve done so far, and while the All-Star Game is still on Fox, I think we’ll see some good stuff on the Network.  I also think it'll get better every year. Presumably, the game will eventually be televised on MLB Network, or they will at least have more exclusivity to things going on around the game.


Watch the game for the celebration of baseball as our National Pastime. Don’t play the “what if” game about injuries and arm fatigue and all that. These players can treat it as a vacation, a reprise from the grind of everyday baseball and the pressures that may envelope them on their own teams. These athletes are in good enough shape that the mental break from the standings is much more important than the physical break from playing.


I’ll enjoy watching the different aspects and play of different stars around the league because I love baseball. It doesn’t even matter that it barely counts. No one would risk getting excited about the prospects of game seven of the World Series at this point anyway. That would be too much of a jinx.

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