After almost two years of blogging on Jorge Says No! , I have decided to start a new venture in the baseball blogging world.
Effective immediately, I will begin blogging anew at my new Web site, . Thanks to the wonderful people at the bloguin network, the new site has been developed very quickly, looks sharp (I think). I believe we have a strong blueprint for success.
The purpose of this new site is simple: to cover free agency to the best of my ability and begin a discussion with baseball fans that will last throughout the season, into the winter, and hopefully into next year's free agency and beyond.
I encourage you to check out the posts pages and let me know what you think of the site's organization, layout, etc.
Honestly, the more feedback, the better. Email me anytime!
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I'm happy to report that Jorge Says No! will remain. This site has blossomed into something that I never expected it to be and I am thrilled to watch the site continually grow.
I am working on a fresh batch of content for Jorge Says No! , which will be up next week. I don't expect to post anything until then, but stranger things have happened.
Thank you for your continued support of Jorge Says No!
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And finally, here are some ways to keep in touch with !
TWITTER: @mlbfreeagency (FOLLOW US!)
FACEBOOK:http://www.facebook. (FRIEND US!) mlbfreeagency
Please visit the site often and leave some comments! Once again, thank you for all your support.
All my best,
Jorge Says No!
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