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MLB Power Groupings: Win How You Can, Just Make It Happens

In order to maximize my time and get in everything I want to say. I'm not going more than four lines per team.

You might be saying, "Why would you restrict yourself to that number? What's the big deal?"

And in reality you are right, because now I'm conscious about going over four lines and I know when I get to Cleveland, I'll end up coming back and erasing this portion of the introduction.

See the thing is, the change of groupings is fine, but it is no longer enough to keep my amusement. So I need to add in something to make it fun.

This is either a really good idea, or a really dumb one. I don't know what's going on anymore, but you deserve more than the standard power groupings. You deserve bad jokes and failed one-liners.

Boy how awful was that article headline by the way? Yeah I know, this author really sucks. You gotta love the random Reed Johnson and Ryan Theriot picture though, right?

Have I wasted enough of your time yet?

Yeah? Don't answer that out loud, please. Just read on.


Still no progress? Start thinking of unloading.

Baltimore, Cleveland, Washington, San Diego, Arizona

The Orioles seem like they are enjoying themselves in interleague play. I can't blame them. It's a nice little change for them to put up some wins.

I've declared Cleveland dead, because after last week's six straight losses, I've lost all complete faith in this club. Even if they fire Eric Wedge and spark a run, I just don't think I care anymore. Did I just say that? I'm running out of lines, so you'll have to judge for yourself.

Washington is terrible. That is the shortest and most true statement you will hear, ever.

The Padres are pitiful on the road and that's kind of depressing as you look at their home record. Nine road wins compared to 21 at home.

Arizona is just badly mediocre (can I say that?) in both areas. That in case you didn't know results in a record that is only better than Washington's. You can thank me later for the thoughtful insight.


Teetering on the brink of disaster.

Kansas City, Oakland, Houston, Pittsburgh

Kansas City is doing a fantastic job of keeping up with Cleveland. I hadn't noticed its downward spiral because of Cleveland's accelerated downfall. What's funny is the Royals and Cleveland are just eight and a half and ten games out of first despite being on losing streaks of five and six games.

I don't know what I can say about Oakland. The A's are like so bland over there in last place of their AL West division.

I take that back about Oakland, because I obviously forgot Houston. Maybe it's because I'm here on the East following an American League team and the Astors are the one team in the Central the Indians don't face, but I got nothing.

Now here is a fun team to talk about. Pittsburgh might be in last place, but who doesn't like talking about the Pirates? Doing things like reuniting the LaRoche brothers is Yeah I know that's old news but, it's the Pirates!


Shifty Eyes

Minnesota, Chicago White Sox, Atlanta, New York Mets, Florida

Seriously can anyone explain the Twins to me? It seems like they are .500 all the time? I mean I know the entire AL Central sucks in that regard, but how has this team not gone on a run to get itself over the hump. I have the urge to say explain this to me in all capitals, in fact, envision that.

Chicago doesn't actually need explained to me. I totally get things going on over there.

As you will see with New York, Atlanta has been fortunate to have the teams above them struggle like they are. I full expected the Braves to be on the brink of disaster this week or at least next, but they're sticking around.

Things couldn't have fallen better for the Mets. They're going through some troubles right now that have put their record close to the danger line. Luckily for them, the Phillies have been just as or even worse.

Then there is Florida and if things fell good for the Mets in terms of their losing...ness, then things fell good for Florida with their winning.<!-- my page break -->

I like the middle, where the center is warm.

Tampa Bay, Toronto, Los Angeles Angels, Seattle, Cincinnati, Chicago Cubs, Colorado

A few weeks ago, I was started to wonder if Tampa would take a tumble and just fall on what happened last year. That isn't the case as the Rays are now just two games out of second place in the tough AL East.

Toronto is right ahead of them and you have to give them serious props for sticking around like this so far. The bad news for the Jays is it isn't even the All-Star Break and they could start fading.

Don't look now but the pitching is coming together, Texas is sort of floundering about and the Angels are just a half game back of them. I said it at the start of the year and I will say it again, not getting off to a great start might be the best thing for them.

Look at Seattle hanging tough up here! You'd think that when the Mariners started to fade they'd actually fade. Nope, they are just two and a half games behind of Texas and right there with the pack.

I love what happened in the NL Central this past week and unfortunately a lot had to do with Cincinnati's recent struggles. I'm pulling for them, after this week of course, because well, we all know who their in-state rivals are.

Chicago won four games last week and three of them were in grand-fashion. The Cubs may have only been three wins, but winning that way three times in one week is pretty motivating and to me, that's huge.

Or you could just be Colorado and win like sixteen of your last seventeen. I think that's what they did, didn't they? Those damn Rockies!


In it to win it.

New York Yankees, Detroit, Texas, Milwaukee, San Francisco

The Yankees really blew a golden opportunity. Being in a division like the AL East means you've got very few easy weeks. A week facing Florida and Washington is pretty nice and they came away with just two wins out of six chances.

Detroit lost two games to St. Louis, but managed to pull off a nice sweep of Milwaukee. The Tigers really needed that sweep and it shows they've got some bounce back after losing to a really good team and coming back and sweeping another really good team.

I said that interleague can really make or break you. That couldn't be truer for Texas. The Rangers pulled off the sweep against Houston and two more wins against them last week, but they haven't faired well against anyone else with a series loss to the Dodgers and a sweep at the hands of the Giants.


Here we are, where we should be.

Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Los Angeles Dodgers

Every year there is a team that really uses interleague play to win a lot of games. But every year it seems Boston just wins a bunch of games and you say, "Hey, they did a great job the past few weeks." So far that's the case with the Red Sox.

I've mentioned Philadelphia's faltering the past few NL East teams. Getting swept by a last place team like Baltimore isn't good news, but what's more concerning is the Phils' abysmal home record.

Boy did the Cardinals really come through after losing a series to the Indians and at the right time too with Milwaukee getting swept. Taking on the Tigers like they did was pretty big as well.

Consistently good, that is what the Dodgers are and I don't think you can categorize them in any other way.

*All statistics, standings, and opinions were based off their states going into action on June 22.



Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
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