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MLB Trade Rumors: 7 Reasons Why Cliff Lee Will Be a New York Yankee in 2011

Cliff Lee is a phenom on the mound.  With the ball in hand and the crowd going bananas, Lee oftentimes shines.  His prowess as a big-game pitcher is no longer questioned, despite another World Series loss for his team, this time the Texas Rangers.  

The one team that has long coveted this stud lefty is the money-powered New York Yankees.  Why not? Unlike most teams, they can afford Lee's services, and they're looking for another arm in their rotation right now—or at least they should be.  

The Yankees' Evil Empire moniker would just get more "evil" if they were to sign Lee.  He's another top player that will command a lot of money and add to their star-studded club.  Despite Yankee fans acting "uncivilly" towards Mrs. Lee, at the end of the day, money talks.  Remember what management did for Mark Teixeira's wife, Leigh?  Don't think that Cliff Lee's wife Kristen can't be bought too.

Here are seven reasons why the Yankees will acquire Cliff Lee this offseason.  

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