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Nats' High School Sweethearts: Garrett & Emily Mock

Nationals RHP Garrett Mock and his wife Emily have had several Valentine's Day celebrations together.

Garrett and Emily's love story started in elementary school in Houston, Texas. The two had the same third grade teacher, however, it wasn't until sixth grade when they were  officially "boyfriend and girlfriend" for the first time.
The young budding romance lasted on and off through middle and high school but they always remained close. In college, the couple realized that they were meant to be together and have been so ever since.  
In November 2006, the high school sweethearts were married in their hometown of Houston. It was a beautiful wedding with all of their family and friends.  The couple have been blessed with a two year-old son named Hudson and are expecting a daughter in July 2010.
Garrett has been playing baseball all of his life, so Emily has been watching him pitch since they were kids. "It's been amazing to watch his progress through the years. I have grown to really love the game."
Baseball is a long and grueling season. Emily and Hudson travel with him as much as possible, however, they never go too long without seeing each other.  

The couple, along with Hudson, spent the off-season in their new home in Houston, Texas. Family is very important to the Mocks and they enjoy spending time with them in the off-season, especially at the holidays. 

While the Mocks' relationship started early, it has withstood the test of time. Emily added, "Garrett is my best friend. He is a wonderful, loving husband and father and I thank God for putting him in my life all those years ago."

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