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New York Mets Fans: Now Is The Time to Be Optimistic

The sun is shining and the birds are chirping.  The 2010 baseball season is right around the corner.  In less than a week, our favorite teams will finally be playing meaningful games again. 

This is the time of year where every baseball fan is optimistic for their team.  Every team starts off with the same record.  Some teams may have more promise than others, but every team deserves some optimism. 

The players are getting antsy and so are the fans.  We want the 2010 baseball to start right now.  We all have our eyes set on the prize. Well, most of us fans have our eyes on the prize.  Their are always those naysayers. 

The New York Mets are a team that is surrounded by a lot of negativity.  Fans are acting as if the season is already over.  What a difference a year can make.  Last year at this time, most Mets fans were getting really excited for a great season.

Greatness was expected from the Mets.  Even Sports Illustrated picked them to win it all.  Expectations were high and Mets fan's eyes were set on the World Series trophy. 

It didn't quite workout like that.  I'm talking about this season though, the 2010 baseball season.  The Mets aren't expected to do much.  They simply are said to have too many questions to compete. 

Mets' fans have been doing their share of not believing in their team.  I don't get it, we are supposed to be optimistic and happy for the new season.  The season hasn't even started and fans think that the Mets are already mathematically eliminated. 

The doubting Mets fans are saying that there are too many questions for the Mets this year.  Will the Mets rotation hold up? Will injuries dismantle the team again? Will the Mets be able to compete with the Phillies?. 

Those are some of the many questions for the New York Mets in 2010.  Those questions make any Met fan think. I am one of the more optimistic Mets fans and I even find myself getting upset about the Mets.  Mets fans don't seem to get something though.

Every team has its questions.  Some have more questions than others, but every single team has its own questions to begin the season.  The thing that separates Mets fans from other baseball fans is that the majority of the fans don't believe in the Mets. 

It seems like those Mets fans think that everything will go wrong for the team.  They constantly shoot down optimistic Mets fans and hate on the team.  These fans need to wake up from their pathetic nightmares. 

It's tough being a Met fan, but there are many positives to being a Mets fan.  Any team in the MLB would do anything for the Mets' core.  David Wright, Carlos Beltran, Jose Reyes, Johan Santana, and Francisco Rodriguez are all amazing players. 

Sure, Beltran is likely to miss the first month of the season, and Reyes is going to miss opening day.  Those are definitely reasons for concern, but by all means no reason to wave the white flag.

Jose Reyes will be back very soon.  It is looking like he is going to miss the first five games of the season.  Maybe even less.  The Mets are doing the right thing with Reyes.

I am happy that they didn't rush Reyes to opening day.  They are being cautious and I am fine with that.  I would rather Reyes miss the first five games of the season, come back and then play 150 games this season. Compared to the Mets rushing Reyes to play on opening day, Reyes getting hurt and missing even more time.  I am not worried about Reyes, the team should be able to stay alive for five games.

Beltran raises the most concern for fans.  He is a great player and the Mets will miss him.  They can still win without him though.  A lot of fans are overreacting to Beltran missing up to mid-May.

If the Mets can stay above .500 while Beltran isn't playing then they will be perfectly fine.  The Mets have a similar team to their 2008 team.  The 2008 Mets competed the whole season and missed the playoffs by a mere game. 

In my opinion, the Mets are better than that 2008 team.  If the Mets can stay healthy, I guarantee you that they will compete.  We have an extremely talented core and a great supporting cast.  The only thing us fans can do, is root for our team that we love. 

It is hard to be happy with the Mets at times.  They are a team that can frustrate any fan, but now is the time to be optimistic.  We fans must look at the glass half full.  After all, we are the team who's motto is, "Ya Gotta Believe."


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