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New York Mets Preview 2010

In 2009, the Mets had an injury ridden season. Day by day guys were getting hurt, and the Mets would have to dig deeper and deeper into their farm system for replacements.

This season shouldn't be like that.

The Mets pitching staff hasn't been stellar the last few years. Oliver Perez hasn't been what the Mets thought he'd be, and there hasn't been massive talent to come up from the farm system. This year should be different.

Jon Niese has had a decent spring and showed promise last year before injuring his hamstring. If Pelfrey, Maine, Santana, and Perez perform, Niese is going to be lined up to be a great young throw-in fifth starter and reliever. It's up to guys like Niese to perform if the Mets want to get to the playoffs.

At the plate and in the field, the Mets will be fine. The Mets have one of the best outfields in the league, with Bay, Beltran (when he comes back healthy), and Francoeur. They all have great arms, Beltran is a five-tool player, Bay is one of the best hitters in baseball, and Francoeur has found a great home in New York.

The right side of the infield is great with Reyes and Wright: two of the best defensive players in the league and two of the top hitters in the league. Reyes will be the guy to bring the Mets back to the playoffs. When he's off, the team is off. When he's on, the teams on. He is the spirit of the Mets. The only shaky part of the infield is the right side, with an aging Castillo and a hit or miss player at first base.

This will be and 85-90 win season for the Mets. It is going to be hit or miss. If the pitching rotation shapes up, they win 85-90 games. If it is less than stellar, they win 75-80.

My prediction: 90-72, they squeak into the playoffs with the wild card spot, and finish 3 games behind the Phillies in the East.

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