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Not This Time: Why Mike Minor Is Not the 2011 Atlanta Braves' Fifth Starter

What happened?

When spring training started, Mike Minor was almost guaranteed a spot on the Braves' roster.

However, today it was decided that Brandon Beachy would take that position, not Minor.

I find it interesting that he was not given the job, even though he has been lights out during spring training. I gathered the impression that because of his performance so far and the fact that he would be the only southpaw in the rotation he would be granted the job.

Beachy is not a bad choice though; he has starting experience like Minor and performed better than Minor did. In three starts, two of which were against the Phillies, he had a 3.00 ERA but had an 0-2 record.

So far this spring, Beachy has an ERA of 1.80 and has struck out 10 batters in 10 innings of work.

What I am perplexed by is that Minor has been having an even better spring. He has a minuscule ERA of 0.90 through 10 innings. His WHIP isn't as good as Beachy's, but overall Minor has been just as dominant.

Also, in the minors last year, Minor pitched better than Beachy. Minor had a 1.89 ERA and four wins in 33.1 inning, while Beachy had an ERA of 2.17 and two wins in 45.2 innings.

The one argument that can be made against Minor though is that he has not fully developed his pitches yet and he can be very inconsistent. At times last year, he would be just masterful, but at other times, he would look like someone who doesn't belong at the top level. 

Beachy however is slightly older, has more experience and has better control. So far this spring, Beachy has only allowed fewer walks than Minor. 

Beachy also probably would be able to withstand a full year's amount of work, unlike Minor. Beachy is more developed physically and mentally, which can be helpful over a long period of time. 

I believe the main reason why Minor is being sent down to the minors is only because he isn't quite ready for a full season. He has the talent to be an ace and he probably will become one, but he is still developing. 

There is nothing wrong with Beachy; in fact I really am not upset with the decision, but he just does not have the stuff that Minor has.

Beachy is a good fifth starter, but Minor has more potential.

All I want though is for the Braves to win, so if Beachy does just that, then I will be just fine. 

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