When people think about baseball, there are two things that pop into nearly everyone's heads.
The first is the legendary Babe Ruth, whom everyone knows as a symbol of America's greatest past time.
The second is the outrageous amounts of money thrown towards today's players.
This sparked an idea: If Babe Ruth played today, how much money would his salary have been worth?
Also, which players are making more than him today and are they really worth it?
With a bit of research and an inflation calculator, I was able to find out a few things.
First, there are many players making more than Ruth would today.
When Ruth was first traded to the Yankees after the 1919 season, he doubled his salary from $10,000 a year to $20,000. In today's dollars, Ruth would have been getting paid about $226,655 when the infamous trade happened.
He was traded for $125,000, which roughly translates to just over $1.6 million dollars today.
At his highest salary in 1931, he was making $80,000. In 2012, that would've been worth just under $1.2 million dollars.
So as you'll see, lots of today's players are making more money than the most legendary baseball player of all time.
Here's a list of a few just to put into perspective how worthy certain players are of their contract.
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