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Players Worth More Today Than Babe Ruth

When people think about baseball, there are two things that pop into nearly everyone's heads.

The first is the legendary Babe Ruth, whom everyone knows as a symbol of America's greatest past time.

The second is the outrageous amounts of money thrown towards today's players. 

This sparked an idea: If Babe Ruth played today, how much money would his salary have been worth?

Also, which players are making more than him today and are they really worth it?

With a bit of research and an inflation calculator, I was able to find out a few things.

First, there are many players making more than Ruth would today.

When Ruth was first traded to the Yankees after the 1919 season, he doubled his salary from $10,000 a year to $20,000. In today's dollars, Ruth would have been getting paid about $226,655 when the infamous trade happened.

He was traded for $125,000, which roughly translates to just over $1.6 million dollars today.

At his highest salary in 1931, he was making $80,000. In 2012, that would've been worth just under $1.2 million dollars.

So as you'll see, lots of today's players are making more money than the most legendary baseball player of all time.

Here's a list of a few just to put into perspective how worthy certain players are of their contract.

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