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Wrigley Field Becoming Just Another Stadium

No matter how bad the product was on the field, people flooded to Wrigley Field to see...well...the field.

It brought baseball fans to what seemed like a different decade or even a different century to see a day game with an organ playing and no flashy scoreboard or advertisements to divert the eyes of those of whom have no attention span.

Granted, the crowd still has cell phones to do that, but the field itself would have no part in helping take away from the experience of the old generation of baseball.

Now you have a giant Toyota sign above the left field bleachers, space underneath the right-field bleachers for corporate pregame events and flat screen televisions, in case the fans want to leave the beloved bleachers to watch a game as if they were sitting at home, Under Armour signs on the outfield walls, and $24,300-per-season ticket suites in left field.

The organ has been silenced for players to walk to the plate to whatever garbage is the flavor of the week.

And what classic statue do Cub fans get to see upon leaving the ballpark money has cheapened? A noodle with "You know you love it" for Kraft macaroni and cheese, which was recently put in.

Not cheesy in the least bit.

Perhaps if you mix it with the Chicago Bean , you could have a nice lunch.

Wrigley Field still has just 20 signs as opposed to Fenway's 67, but it certainly looks as though the field that promised never to grow up or give in to new trends is doing just that.

Next stop: The Ricketts family changes the name of the stadium.



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