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Yankee Stadium's Opening Day: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

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“You have the rest of you life to work.”

I have heard this phrase many times from my father throughout my adolescent teenage years.  I’d always want to work; from 13 on, it was always make a buck, make a buck.

I never had a full-time job and did enjoy myself along the way, always keeping my father's advice in my head.  Now, as my junior year at Quinnipiac University is coming to an end and graduation is right around the corner, that advice has never been more prevalent to me.

Throughout my life, well since 1996 anyway, some combination of my family has always gone to Opening Day at Yankee Stadium (the only exception came in 2007, when my brother was making his confirmation the same day).  This year, with the economy in shambles, only my mother and her boyfriend were going to go.

Then it happened.

I received a phone call. It was my brother, who was excited and speaking too quickly to understand.  I was able to comprehend something about Opening Day tickets and asked him how much.




“No, Mom and Dad are paying $100 each.”

“So, they are $325 each?”

“No, total.”

“Oh, (quick math in my head, a little more than $150 too much, but it is Opening Day at the New Yankee Stadium). Let’s do it."

“Okay, thanks.” (click).


Without knowing when Opening Day is, I just said yes.  I guarantee it was going to be a stupid answer; no way I am getting out of this free and easy.

Opening Day at the stadium is April 16, a Thursday of course...the one day I have a once-a-week class (which I already missed twice for other legitimate reasons).

But who knows, the professor is a nice guy and a Yankee fan, maybe I've got a shot.  And my other Thursday class is Sports Reporting twice a week...the professor will definitely understand and let me out no problem.

The next Thursday comes and my once-a-week class cancels for the 16th. My heart hopped out of my chest, I was so excited I immediately called my brother and told him I was home free.

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I went to my Sports Reporting class feeling invincible. There was no way I was not going to this game. We had a guest speaker, Marc Robbins of Ch. 8, the local ABC affiliate in Connecticut, so my professor did not want to discuss the matter until the following Tuesday.

It was this past Tuesday, April 7th.  My class ended and I approached my professor about the game.


“Professor, I have tickets to the Yankee game on Thursday the 16th.”

“Okay.  It is an unexcused absence.”

“I know. I was just wondering how can I make up the assignment we are doing that day?”

“Well, if it is an unexcused absence you can not make it up.”

“So, what happens if I am not here?”

“You receive a zero on the assignment.”

“So, what do I do?”

“You have to bite the bullet. There are 162 other Yankee games this year.”

“Well, it’s Opening Day at the New Yankee Stadium.”

“You have to decide, and bite the bullet.”

“So, there is nothing I can do?”



I left the room and rushed to my car so I could leave campus. So no one could see me yell, scream, cry and curse. 

I did not know how to react: This was the first time in 14 years of going to Opening Days and skipping school where a teacher or professor has had a problem with it. Most are usually happy for me and wish they could have gone themselves.

I have spent the past few days asking everyone for advice on what to do.  Do I skip class, do I miss the game?  I have no idea.

There has to be a way for me to win. I just can not figure out what it is.

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My sister suggested going to the doctor on Tuesday or Wednesday to get a note saying I should not attend class because they thought it could be meningitis. A friend offered to run over my foot early Thursday morning so I could get records saying that I was in the hospital before class and still go to the game.

Another responded with, “I hate that, when teachers think they are important or something.”

However, the one problem with those excuses is that my professor knowing about the game on the 16th. He would probably have me go to an academic integrity hearing, totally screwing up my life.

So, it comes down to these two options.  I can go to the game, skip class, and receive a zero while losing any brownie points I may have had coming to me, or I go to class and miss out on the game.

Like I previously said, I have been completely distraught over the whole thing and have no idea what I should do.  And since I have been asking everyone I have spoken to, I now pose the question to you.  I would greatly appreciate it any thoughts or opinions you have on the issue.


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