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Yet Another Baseball Prediction

Here are my picks for the 2009 season:

National League:


1. Philadelphia Philies (94-68) The defending champs will not need a Mets Collapse this year

2. New York Mets (91-71) With a beefed up 'pen the Mets should win the Wild Card

3. Florida Marlins (89-73) The Marlins are gradually improving and are almost there but still only the third best team in this division

4. Atlanta Braves (80-82) This team has improved, just not enough

5. Washington Nationals (61-101) Be patient Nats fans they're still a few years away


1. Chicago Cubs (96-66) Largely the same team, I don't expect the Cubs to give an inch

2. St. Louis (86-76) The only way the Cards finish here is with a healthy staff

3. Houston Astros (80-82) They have great hitters but Tejada and their Staff leave a big question mark

4. Milwaukee Brewers (79-83) losing their 1 and 2 pitchers the Brewers will drop out of contention

5. Cincinnati Reds (75-87) Still a work in progress

6. Pittsburgh Pirates (65-97) At least they won't be the worse team in the league


1. Los Angeles Dodgers (90-72) Having Manny all year should give the Dodgers another division title

2. Colorado Rockies (86-76) Although they lost Matt Holliday, they have the talent to improve they just need to stay healthy

3. Arizona D-Backs (84-78) The D-Backs will stay competitive all year 

4. San Francisco (80-82) This could be their last year near the bottom of this division for a long time

5. San Diego Padres (60-102) Didn't they make the playoffs a couple of years ago?

American League:


1. Boston Red Sox (96-66) Even if their hitters suffer injuries, their pitching staff is just to good

2. New York Yankees (92-70) Let's just cross our fingers and hope for an injury free year

3. Tampa Bay Rays (90-72) The rays will put up good numbers but just fall short

4. Toronto Blue Jays (84-78) A lot of people have Toronto falling but I think they're still a pretty good ball club

5. Baltimore Orioles (70-92) They will be the 2008 Rays in a couple of years


1. Minnesota Twins (89-73) The Twins are a solid team and will win a tight race

2.  Cleveland Indians (86-76) The Indians can win if they over come health Issues

3. Chicago White Sox (82-80) They have power, but that may not be enough

4. Kansas City Royal (81-81) The Royals will continue to improve and prove to be competitive

5. Detroit Tigers (70-92) At least they had a long run as the best team in the division


1. Los Angeles Angels (99-63) Even without K-Rod, they are far and away the best team in the division

2. Oakland A's (80-82) Still need some time for that Rotation to Mature

3. Texas Rangers (75-87) Two words: No Pitching

4. Seattle Mariners (68-104) The only good thing I can say about the Mariners is that Felix Hernandez is expected to improve


National League: Dodgers over Philies 3-2  Mets over Cubs 3-2

Mets over Dodgers 4-2

American League: Yankees over Angels 3-2 Red Sox over Twins 3-0

Red Sox over Yankees 4-3

World Series: Red Sox over (as much as I hate to say it) Mets 4-3 


AL MVP: Winner- Mark Texiera    Runner Ups- Miguel Cabrera, Josh Hamilton, Kevin Youkilis 

AL Cy Young: Winner- Daisuke Matsuzaka Runner Ups- Scott Kazmir, CC Sabathia, John Lackey, Felix Hernandez, Fransisco Liriano

Rookie of the Year: Matt Wieters

NL MVP: Manny Ramirez Runner Ups- Albert Pujols, David Wright, Hanley Ramirez, Chipper Jones, Ryan Braun 

Cy Young: Johan Santana Runner Ups- Cole Hamels, Rich Harden, Tim Lincecum, Chris Carpenter

Rookie of the Year: Cameron Maybin


Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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