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Cliff Lee of Seattle Mariners Suspended for Five Games

Am I the only one who is confused by how Major League Baseball hands down suspensions?

Barry Zito of the San Francisco Giants hit Prince Fielder in the back on purpose at the beginning of spring training but didn’t get suspended.

Joba Chamberlain of the New York Yankees has thrown at the head of Kevin Youkilis on numerous occasions, but nothing ever happened to him.

But the Seattle Mariners’ Cliff Lee throws over the head of Arizona Diamondbacks catcher Chris Snyder and gets suspended five games? Really?

Cincinnati Reds Get Ready for the Redlegs: Starting Rotation

For the second consecutive year, the Cincinnati Reds entered Spring Training looking for someone to fill the fifth spot in their starting rotation.

Last season, the competition between Micah Owings and Homer Bailey ended with Owings winning the job.  However, it was Bailey that eventually took a firm grip on a spot in the rotation as he finished the season strong and rekindled the optimism that once hovered over the young right-hander.

2010 Chicago Cubs Lineup Set

On the pre-game radio show before the Chicago Cubs' Tuesday Cactus League match-up with the Texas Rangers, manager Lou Piniella set forth his projected lineup for Opening Day 2010.

It included few surprises, but certainly answered some questions about how Piniella intends to build his offense this season, and about who has managed to impress him most during Spring Training.

Here is the lineup as Piniella recited it, along with a brief take on the player's spot in the order (does it make sense, how does it affect their projected stats, etc.) and the logic of the move for the team.

Stephen Strasburg Likely To Start 2010 in Minors Despite Strong Spring Training

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote that I thought the Washington Nationals would send phenom Stephen Strasburg down to the minors to start the season. Now, it’s looking more and more likely that thought is going to come true.

Trading Pieces and (Maybe) Places: Pittsburgh Pirates and New York Mets

A few years ago, the Pittsburgh Pirates had a superstar outfielder named Jason Bay and a very questionable pitcher named Oliver Perez, while the Mets had a promising, if undeveloped, outfielder, Lastings Milledge, whom they traded to the Washington Nationals for Ryan Church.

Now the Pirates have both Milledge and Church, while the Mets have Bay and Perez.

Neither the Pirates nor the Mets have outfielder Xavier Nady, who was the consideration for Perez (and reliever Roberto Hernandez, who lasted only two months with the Mets).

2010 MLB Manifesto: What To Believe About Winter League Performances

How much stock should we take into performances from the off-season winter leagues?

I think it becomes a question of merit when you have someone that is downright dominating. For instance, take someone like Mike Maroth, who is currently in camp with the Minnesota Twins.

The Best MLB Leadoff Hitters of 2010

Going into this season, there is a list of top caliber baseball studs who are leadoff hitters or should be leadoff hitters.

Some have more power than others, some hit for a higher average, some are faster than others, and some have higher on-base percentages than others.

Let's take a look at the best leadoff hitters or some who are not leadoff hitters who should be hitting leadoff.

2010 MLB Predictions: Cincinnati Reds Cactus League Report: Good, Bad, and Ugly

The Reds beat up the Diamondbacks today, 13-7, while collecting 14 hits. Drew Stubbs, Jay Bruce, and Miguel Cairo had two hits each, while Bruce and Paul Janish each contributed his second homer of the spring.


The Good

2010 MLB Predictions: Even at 42, It's Still Trevor Time

The neon baseball-themed clock at Miller Park reads 2:30 on a warm July day in Milwaukee. At this time, most of the players are either reporting to the stadium or in the clubhouse or batting cages, taking a few swings.


But the oldest of them all is out on the field, shirt off, and iPod on full blast, undergoing intense abdominal and strength workouts that most of us could not do at the age of 26.

Tampa Bay Rays Stadium Bedlam

In the spectrum of not-so-breaking news, Tampa Bay Rays ownership is not a huge fan of their team playing at Tropicana Field, America’s favorite giant warehouse. Owner Stuart Sternberg said they’ve done all that they can to make the facility adequate, but it just does not invoke an ideal baseball atmosphere.


Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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