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Cliff Lee

Cliff Lee

Yankees and Rangers Position Themselves For Playoffs, ALCS Matchup?

Cliff Lee, Lance Berkman , Jorge Cantu, Austin Kearns , Bengie Molina, Kerry Wood, Cristian Guzman. All players that are now wearing either a Texas Rangers Jersey or Yankee pinstripes now, as the smell of October baseball grows stronger with each passing day.

Houston Astros Continue Fire Sale Trade Lance Berkman To The Yankees

Various media sources are reporting the New York Yankees have acquired Lance Berkman from the Houston Astros to be their DH.

This is clearly in reaction to the Phillies acquiring Roy Oswalt, as they don't want to look as though they did nothing during the trade deadline, while the Phillies vastly upgraded their team.

MLB Trade Deadline: Top Five Midseason Pickups of the Last Decade

With July 31 rapidly approaching, teams throughout Major League Baseball are scrambling to bolster their squads for the remaining two months of the regular season, hoping to propel themselves into October baseball.

Whether your team is in the market for a middle of the order bat, a veteran utility man to cover for potential injuries or rest a few regulars down the stretch, an ace starting pitcher, or a dependable reliever to add depth to your bullpen, there is likely a player available to suit your needs.

Teams have long since determined whether hope remains for their 2010 aspirations or i

Cliff Lee: Wasted by The Phillies

It could have happened. The dream pitching staff could have come true. There was nothing in the way. Besides one simple, but huge, mistake.

Philadelphia Phillies General Manager Rueben Amaro Jr. did not stop to think as long as he should have when he dealt Cliff Lee to the Mariners last December. His idea made sense.

Cliff Lee: The Most Efficient Pitcher in The World

I was watching last night's Red Sox-Rangers game and as Cliff Lee was retiring hitter after hitter after hitter, I kept thinking to myself, "is this guy really this good?" It wasn't just the outs, but it was how he was getting them. Four times he retired the side in order in fewer than 10 pitches, which allowed him to enter the ninth inning with a pitch count of 85.

Unfortunately he allowed the tying run in the ninth, which spoiled his chance for a complete game victory, but that outing got me thinking; Cliff Lee doesn't get enough respect in fantasy baseball these days.

15 Predictions for the Second Half of Major League Baseball

With the second half of the Major league baseball season under way, here are some predictions as to what could end up happening when the regular season is all said and done. There will also be two bold predictions at the end, those of which would shock the sports world, and could happen if events fall a certain way.

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How Much Better Would Cliff Lee Have Made the New York Yankees?

Allow me to introduce you to two mystery pitchers, Player A and Player B.

In their last eight starts, dating back to the beginning of June, both pitchers have been very good. Player A has been all but impossible to beat, having completed almost every game he's started, and going fewer than eight innings only once, when he went seven. He almost never walks anyone, generally keeps the ball in the yard, strikes batters out...everything you could want in a pitcher.

2010 MLB First Half Superlative Awards

The first half of the Major League Baseball season is now over. For some, this means discussions can start about MVP races, Cy Young races, the trading deadline, and of course division standings.

For me, it is instead a time to look at the types of statistics and awards not often looked at.

These awards are not for the best pitcher, or the best team.

MLB Trade Rumors: How the Angels Should Respond to Cliff Lee Aquisition

Imagine for a minute you're staring into a boxing ring somewhere between Anaheim, California and Arlington, Texas.

The Los Angeles (don't call me Anaheim) Angels just watched as the Texas Rangers stole left-hander Cliff Lee right out from under the New York Yankees. It was like a stunning left cross that the Angels never saw coming.

While they stare off into space, stunned that the once lowly Texas Rangers just threw their biggest punch in years, and while the stars they're seeing start to wear off, owner Artie Moreno has to be hatching a plan on how the team responds.

Fantasy Baseball Week In Review: Week 14

The All-Star Break is here!

Time to sit back, relax, and watch Omar Infante battle John Buck for the rights for home field advantage in the World Series. Or just tie, at least this time we’ll be numb to it from the World Cup group stage.


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