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Casting "The Simpsons" with MLB Players

For almost 20 years, Matt Groening's "The Simpsons" has been a cornerstone of American pop culture.

Even if the show has declined a bit in the last few years, it remains a gleaming bastion of wit and entertainment.

Here's what the show would look like if it were cast with Major League Baseball players.

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Top Ten Greatest Closers

At the end of the game, there's no one more reliable to finish the job than the late-inning ace, the closer. The title speaks for itself.

Though many say it is the most "overrated" position in baseball, that's hard to agree with especially because these men come in when the games are at their climax and the pressures that come with it, make this position a daunting challenge.

After all, the last three outs are also the toughest. Few know this better than the men who have excelled in these situations.

MLB 9s: Baltimore Orioles—Frank Robinson, Miguel Tejada Greatest Ever

The Baltimore Orioles may not have been to the postseason since 1997, but the Maryland franchise has a rich history which includes three World Series victories and a string of first place finishes in the AL East under Earl Weaver in the 1970s.

One question, hundreds of answers. Which Oriole had the greatest offensive season at his position?

Major League baseball has been asking fans this same question in an effort to choose each team's best ever collection of stars. They are calling it MLB 9s.

My Top 10 Baseball Games of the 2009 Season

First of all, it’s kind of funny that I call this list my Top 10 games, when the majority of them are Yankee wins and Mets losses. My original plan for this slideshow was to give my Top 5 Most Memorable Mets games of the 2009 season. I was going choose 5 of the 18 games I went to that had the most memorable happenings (i.e. Opening Day, the Castillo drop, etc.). However, after Friday night’s Yankees game that I was in attendance for, I’ve decided to do my Top 10 Most Memorable Baseball Games of the 2009 season.


Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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