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MLB Rumors

MLB Rumors

Shin-Soo Choo Rumors: Latest Buzz and Speculation Surrounding Star of

Shin-Soo Choo has quietly developed into one of the most well-rounded outfielders in baseball. He isn't a big name because he's spent his entire career with small-market teams, but he'll be among the likely free agents taking center stage this winter.

MLB Rumors: Possible Landing Spots for Star Players

With the World Series starting up on Wednesday, the rumors are starting to swirl about some big names in the MLB, and a few of them could be heading to new teams for the 2014 season.

2014 MLB Free Agents: Low-Profile Signings That Could Make a Big Difference

While the hype surrounding Major League Baseball's free agency period tends to focus on well-known and high-profile players, smaller signings are often just as important.

In a way, low-profile signings can be the difference between a championship team and one that is out of any race before September. 

MLB Rumors: What Is Being Discussed Around the League

With the first month of this major league baseball season nearly finished, reality is beginning to set in for both, teams and players.

For those off to hot starts out of the gates, it is business as usual, but those who are struggling need to make adjustments ASAP. Even teams that are playing well may need to address injury concerns. 

There truly is no rest for the team looking to win it all in October, or even in April and May.

San Diego Padres: Will Carlos Quentin Ever Be Healthy Enough to Play Everyday?

Carlos Quentin has never been completely healthy his entire career.

Ever since being drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks with the 29th overall pick in 2003, Quentin has been plagued with constant injury.

This spring in San Diego Padres camp has been no exception.

The Most Intriguing Storylines Remaining for the MLB Offseason

As of now, the bulk of the MLB offseason activity is complete. The majority of the major free agents have signed. And if a blockbuster trade was going to take place, chances are it would have happened by now.

Five weeks remain between now and some of the most optimistic words in baseball:

"Pitchers and catchers report."

Before then, there are some things that still need to sort themselves out. While most of the MLB offseason is over, these storylines still need some sort of resolution.

MLB Rumors: Best Spots for Top Remaining Free Agents

The Josh Hamilton's and Zack Greinke's of the world are off the free-agent market, but there are still some quality guys available.

Why are quality guys still available?

It's a mixture of things that serve to complicate the situation. One major hurdle is the draft-pick compensation baggage. Some players that have turned down qualifying offers from their 2012 club, require the surrender of a draft pick for other teams to sign them.

Age is another concern for teams. Each of the players listed has already turned 30.

MLB Rumors: Which Available Free Agents Are MLB Teams Still Fighting Over Most?

Most bidding wars revolve around heavily hyped free agents, but lower quality MLB players are attracting interest in the offseason’s waning weeks.

Michael Bourn, Kyle Lohse, Adam Laroche and Rafael Soriano round out some of the bigger names left in free-agency, but they are not drawing as much attention from teams weary of doling out long-term deals and sacrificing compensation draft picks.

That leaves smaller role players getting the star treatment from teams looking for a cheap veteran to temporarily fill a hole.

MLB Free-Agent Rumors: Top Suitors for the Top 10 Hitters Still on the Market

The bulk of this winter's free-agent hitting crop, led by slugger Josh Hamilton, have already found new homes this offseason. However, the well is not completely dry just yet.

Michael Bourn and Adam LaRoche are the top remaining hitters still available, but there is a sharp drop-off after them as far as legitimate impact bats.

That said, here is a look at the top  remaining hitters on the free-agent market, as well as the latest news and rumors surrounding their potential landing spots.

MLB Rumors: Breaking Down News from Around the League

The 2012 baseball season has entered its third month, and that means there are plenty of rumors floating around the league—it’s the MLB way of life.

Some trade rumors turn out to be true, while others are so asinine and crazy that only the naïve and/or inebriated would believe them.


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Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
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