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Roy Halladay

Roy Halladay

Do the Boston Red Sox Need Roy Halladay?

Roy Halladay, the six time All Star, has been linked with the Red Sox. The real question is whether the Red Sox need another ace or should the payroll be better used elsewhere.

There are a number of reasons why Boston would look to trade for Halladay. The first of which is his obvious talent. The Toronto Blue Jay's star is one of the dominant pitchers in the American League. Last year he went 17-10 with a 2.79 ERA in a losing team. He was third in the AL in ERA and 4th in wins. His abilities as a pitcher are unquestionable.

Come To Think Of It: Will Red Sox Have Happy Hollidays Or Halladays?

Matt Holliday...Roy Halladay...this offseason is so damn confusing. But we know one thing - both players are available and at least one will sign a huge deal this off-season. Will one of the teams that bites be the Red Sox?

Look, with apologies to Jason Bay and John Lackey, Matt Holliday is the best free agent on the market. Lackey is good, to be sure, but he's the best starting pitcher in a weak market.

Clay Buchholz For Roy Halladay or Buchholz For a Bat?

It's all over the Internet: the Boston Red Sox are making a huge push for Toronto Blue Jays ace Roy Halladay.

Roy Halladay from Toronto Blue Jays' Point of View

With the list of potential free agents being adequate at best, this Hot Stove season will be heated with potential trades. Leading the list of "Who Will Win The (insert name) Sweepstake" is Roy Halladay.

The current market seems to include both Los Angeles and New York teams, Boston and Chicago Cubs. I expect this list to grow with Atlanta, St. Louis and Philly jumping in the game.

Before deciding who will win and pay at least $120 million over six years, we need to understand what the Toronto Blue Jays need and who they may want.


Boston Red Sox Trying to Land Another Ace on Thanksgiving

Back in 2003, Boston Red Sox GM Theo Epstein, along with then-Assistant GM Jed Hoyer, traveled to Arizona to have Thanksgiving dinner with Curt Schilling and his wife in order to convince Schilling to come to Boston.

The Arizona Diamondbacks traded Schilling to the Red Sox on Nov. 29, 2003, and the rest is history.

Six years later, the Red Sox are trying to land another ace on Thanksgiving.

Roy Halladay To the Los Angeles Angels Is Just What the "Doc" Ordered


Roy Halladay's pitch hand is strong.

So strong, in fact, he's got practically every team in the Majors falling all over themselves to make sure it belongs to them. 

Top prospects, proven starters, first born children—all being offered up like sacrificial lambs to the Toronto Blue Jays in exchange for Halladay's unique services, but one team has emerged as a potential front-runner.

Roy Halladay Is Not the Antidote to Halting the New York Yankees' Title Defense

We have been subjected to every theoretical trade scenario under the sun since Roy Halladay was rumored to be available via trade last season.

There are dozens of hypothetical deals that send an entire farm system worth of players in exchange for Halladay and his contract, which expires after 2010. 

National League clubs see Halladay as the key to defeating the New York Yankees in the World Series.

Halladay and Granderson Perfect Fits as Chicago Cubs—Neither Likely to Be One

Rumors ran wild this past week about the potential of the Cubs trading for Roy Halladay or Curtis Granderson.

What is sad is that the Cubs have the highest payroll in the league, and both of these players are going to be considered too expensive.

What's worse? Both of these players would fulfill enormous needs for the Cubs. In fact, they are the two biggest needs of the current Cub team.

Philadelphia Phillies Should Get Back in on Roy Halladay

So, last week, the rumors resurfaced that the Phillies are still trying to acquire Roy Halladay from the Toronto Blue Jays, and the memories of the hours leading up to the trade deadline in July relinquished.

All throughout the middle month of the season, all the talk surrounding Major League Baseball was whether or not Toronto would stick to their word and trade Halladay.

Could The Chicago Cubs Pursue Roy Halladay?

I was wandering around various baseball sites today, and came across a thought that honestly made me laugh when I first read it.

"[The Cubs] have the finances... have a chance to win, which is what [Roy] Halladay will certainly require, and while the Cubs' farm system isn't atop the league right now, there are a few intriguing talents that could fill out a package for Halladay."

That's on's Rumor Mill. I've read a couple other places that the Cubs might be a "darkhorse" candidate to make a splash for the Blue Jays' ace.


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