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Ryan Braun, Rickie Weeks and Bill Hall: Brewers Producing Under the Radar

Certainly, it’s impossible to ignore the great start Mike Cameron has provided the Brewers in April and the early days of May during this season.

We shouldn’t ignore, however, the starts of three other Brewer hitters in the top third of qualified (3.1 PA/team game) NL position players by Value Wins this season.

Unsurprisingly to all Brewer fans, Ryan Braun is one of these three players.

Jays-Orioles: Rios, Wells, Lead Jays To Sweep Over Baltimore

Am I dreaming? I never thought I would be able to start a game recap with that headline.

Yet, it is appropriate, as Vernon Wells and Alex Rios hit their fourth and second home runs respectively to lead the Jays to a 4-3 win and a series sweep of the Baltimore Orioles.

Wells started it off for the Jays, hitting a two-run shot after Rios' double put him in scoring position.

Unfortunately, the lead did not last long, as Luke Scott creamed a pitch over the wall for his fourth of the year, tying it up 2-2.

Meet the AL Manajor of the Year: Don Wakamatsu

"There was absolutely no doubt that he (Wakamatsu) had the capabilities to one day manage in the big leagues," Mike Scioscia once said. "He was a terrific teacher, communicator, and he knew the game."

Who will win AL manager of the year?

I say not Garnedhire, not Maddon, not Girardi, and not Francona.


Don Wakamatsu.

The Philadelphia Phillies Broadcasters

The Phillies have many broadcasters, be it TV or radio. The famous Harry Kalas is the first name to come to mind, but there are many other key voices that make watching and listening to the Phillies a huge success. There's the dynamic radio duo of Scott Franzke and Larry Andersen and there's the TV trio of Tom McCarthy, Chris Wheeler, and Gary Matthews. And there was Harry Kalas. One of the greatest voices in all of baseball.

GM Billy Beane, Do All A's Fans A Favor and Fire Oakland Manager Bob Geren

Billy Beane needs to take responsibility for his putrid hiring of Bob Geren he should say "I made a mistake, I take full responsibility for the hire and now I'm going to fix the problem."

What this really means is that Beane should be firing manager Geren as soon as the A's return home on Monday. Geren could go down as the worst manager in Oakland history.

Reds-Pirates: Cueto Leads Reds To Series Win

The Reds entered the season knowing that the pitching staff would have to lead them in order for them to have the success that they have hoped for. 

So far this season the pitching has been as good as they could of expected.

Leading the staff today, was young Johnny Cueto who went eight innings of shutout baseball, allowing four hits with nine strikeouts sprinkled in. 

Most importantly, he showed some control and only walked one batter in the game. 

After April Showers, Lilly Powers the Cubs Past the Marlins

After a cold, rainy and just plain dreary and disappointing month of April, the Cubs begin the month of May 2-0. The story of the game was Ted Lilly, on the mound and at the plate.

On the mound Lilly was great, striking out 10, and walking none. He gave up five hits, one of which was a solo home-run by Cody Ross. At the plate Lilly came through with a 2 run double of the right field wall with two outs in the third inning.

Jason Marquis Leads Colorado Rockies to Complete-Game Victory

This offseason, Rockies general manager Dan O'Dowd knew that he would need to add depth in the starting pitching department.

All National League Central Team

Being a huge Cubs fan, the division I see the most of is the NL Central, so I thought it would be fitting to pick my All-NL Cental roster.

I considered the player from each position to be the opening day starter, i.e. Ryan Doumit at catcher for the Pirates even though he is injured and so on.

It may have been a mistake to come out and say I was a Cubs fan there, as that will just give Cardinals fans a reason to call me biased. But we all know Cardinals fans can't read so I have nothing to worry about. I'm kidding of course, so without further ado here is my roster.

Power Rankings: Pitchers (May 2)

I'm going to level here, I really don't like ranking all the teams. It just seems overdone and hack. Also, one mistake can ruin it for the team, so right now I am going to start with the top ten pitchers for the past week.

Zack Greinke

1) Zack Greinke: Duh. How can this guy not be at the top of the list? Everyone was expecting big things from him and he has delivered. First, in his first four starts he doesn't allow one run and wins all the decisions (4-0).


Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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