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Los Angeles Dodgers

Los Angeles Dodgers

The Dodgers Add a Carroll for Christmas

I know, I know, the headline is perhaps the cheesiest of The Ghost of Moonlight Graham

era—an era which is approaching in one year, by the way.

But I like the tie in with the holiday season.

The other headline I was thinking of was, “The Jamey Carroll Sweepstakes Comes To An End.”  Which would have been fitting because there was a serious sweepstakes for the 35-year old.

Jamey Carroll Signs With The Dodgers

The Dodgers were relatively relaxed during the winter meetings last week. After trading Juan Pierre they are now looking to make some moves with the money they saved.

According to the LA Times Friday, Jamey Carroll, a free agent that played as utility infielder with the tribe the past two seasons, will sign with the Dodgers pending a physical.

The Dodgers "No Improvement Plan"

On Tuesday the Dodgers dealt Juan Pierre to the White Sox for two pitching prospects to be named later.  While the transaction will cost the Dodgers their fourth outfielder (who had a successful 2009 season), they will save about $8 million.  The deal, yet again, exemplifies this off-season's plan for the Dodgers: the No Improvement Plan.

Dodgers' Juan Pierre Traded to the White Sox

On Tuesday morning, the Chicago White Sox acquired Los Angeles Dodgers' outfielder Juan Pierre for two pitching prospects.

Los Angeles Dodgers Prepare for Upcoming Winter Meetings

Prior to the winter meetings next week in the Indianapolis Convention Center, the Los Angeles Dodgers need to decide what moves the team needs to make that will lead towards their next winning season. 

Ned Colletti continues business as usual and makes it a priority to put the Dodgers back in the playoffs for the 2010 season.

JC's Dodger Line Drives | Dec. 1: L.A.'s Vin Scully To Return for 2010

The Dodgers have just confirmed, to the great pleasure of their fans, the return of their most valuable asset—Hall of Fame broadcaster Vin Scully.

In the middle of last season, the 60th of Scully's Dodger career, there was a lot of conjecture regarding how much longer baseball fans would be able to enjoy the unique poetic narrative Scully provides.

MLB 9s: L.A. Dodgers—Maury Wills, Duke Snider, Jackie Robinson Shine

The shortstop who stole 104 bases, the catcher who was a great Dodger long before he was a great Met, and the third baseman who may have had one of the best single offensive seasons in L.A. history.

Power or speed? The past or the present?

It all points to one question with hundreds of possibilities: Which Dodger had the greatest offensive season at his position?

Major League Baseball has been asking fans this same question in an effort to choose each team's best-ever collection of stars.

They are calling it MLB 9s.

Cuban Missile Crisis? The Los Angeles Dodgers Must Reach Out to Mark Cuban

The Los Angeles Dodgers are rapidly approaching a breaking point within the front office. 

Yesterday, I detailed how Frank McCourt's diminishing bank account could have a pulverizing effect on the Dodgers' organization. 

Which brings me to Mark Cuban, the possible savior for the future of the club. 

LA Confidential: Dodgers Owner Frank McCourt Is Running Out of Money

I was foolishly under the impression that things couldn’t get any murkier for the Los Angeles Dodgers front office.

Then I came across a startling article in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that claims Dodgers owner Frank McCourt is running out of money.


The piece, written by John Emshwiller, details some very disturbing facts that have emerged from the divorce papers filed between Frank, the team owner, and his soon-to-be ex-wife Jamie, former Dodgers CEO.

We Don't Want No Drama: Andre Ethier & Matt Kemp Standout for the Dodgers

Thus far, the offseason for the Los Angeles Dodgers has been mired in speculation about the divorce of Frank and Jamie McCourt.

Does the team have enough expendable money to fill their roster holes? 

Will Frank have to sell the team to a third party? 

Is this organization dedicated to winning even with the front office distractions? 

But no amount of off the field drama can sour the recognition being earned by Andre Ethier and Matt Kemp.


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