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Los Angeles Dodgers

Los Angeles Dodgers

The Roy Halladay Effect

So apparently the Dodgers are in the mix for an ace named Roy Halladay.

Bloggers, writers, panelists, and commentators across the country are all leaning towards a "no deal" mentality especially if it means trading Chad Billingsley or Clayton Kershaw.



1. possible, as opposed to actual: the potential uses of nuclear energy. 
2. capable of being or becoming: a potential danger to safety.


The Needs, The Wants, And The Magic

Question number one, what do the Dodgers have? Question two, what do they need? The questions are very simple to answer. The Dodgers have a flurry of young stars, Manny Ramirez, Gold Glovers, but no ace.

In order to play in the Fall Classic, it takes more than just one pitcher you are constantly counting on to deliver. You need that ace, that veteran, that mentor, the one who throw's a cutter that could cut you seven inches deep.

Second Base: The Dodgers' Dilemma

Distractions abound surrounding the future of the Dodger’s organization, but the real focus should be on filling the holes in the lineup and building a team that can muscle past the NLCS next season.

And so, our attention shifts to the ballclub’s No. 2 priority behind pitching: second base.

Chien-Ming Wang Would Like To Pitch for Dodgers If He Can't Return to Yankees

On Friday November 20, Chien Ming Wang spoke to reporters in Taiwan about his questionable future with the New York Yankees organization. Wang has been plagued by injuries the last two years and is no longer the Yankees ace pitcher. 

When speaking to reporters in Taiwan, Wang said that the Yankees are his "first choice". But afterwards mentioned that he would be alright pitching for any other major league team. 

Flash Forward: Why the Los Angeles Dodgers Matt Kemp Will Be the 2010 NL MVP

The National League MVP will be announced this week, and it will undoubtedly be handed to Albert Pujols.

With this year's race all but locked up, I wanted to take a look at a player who I consider to be the front-runner for MVP in 2010. 

At 25 years old, Matt Kemp has already put up impressive numbers that rank up there with some of the elite names in baseball history. 

Managers of the Year Have a Decidedly Dodger Blue Tint to Them

Times are tough in Los Angeles. 

A second consecutive playoff exit at the hands of the Phillies was followed by news of a nasty divorce.  Frank McCourt and his soon to be ex-wife Jamie continue to lob insults at each other making the most personal of matters embarrassingly public. 

Dodgers' "Unclutchness" Kept Them Out of The World Series

The Dodgers have most of what it takes to enter, or even win, the World Series. But they need to be more "clutch."

FanGraphs had them ranked first in National League teams in raw hitting ability for 2009. But they were behind the Phillies in batting "win probability." Meaning that the Phillies had fewer hits, but hit more when it counted. Sound familiar from the NCLS?

FanGraphs also had the Dodgers ranked first in Major League baseball in raw pitching. But the Dodgers' "clutch" value was a MINUS 1.84, putting them seventh in pitching "win probability."

The Dodgers Would Be Foolish to Give Up on Chad Billingsley

The most valuable asset in baseball is good pitching. Good, young, controllable pitching could be likened to winning the lottery for a million dollars, and when you go to cash in your ticket, you find out you actually won five million.

To call the 2009 season a roller coaster for Chad Billingsley would be an understatement. He was named to his first All-Star game in July, but he also had his career-worst year statistically.

A Voice of Reason: The Alberto Callaspo Trade Rumors

Sunday night, Bob Dutton reported that the Royals are rumored to be interested in shipping Alberto Callaspo to the Los Angeles Dodgers for 28-year-old (29 in April) catcher A.J. Ellis.  Seeing as though Ellis has worked his way up to a grand total of 13 plate appearances in two September call-ups at that advanced an age, it is hard to get overly excited about the prospect of this deal.

Joe Torre Needs a Contract Extension Amidst Unsure Time For Dodgers

Uncertainty is the most unbecoming characteristic of a baseball team, and right now it has emerged as the best way to describe the state of the Los Angeles Dodgers heading into the offseason, both on the field and off.

Owner Frank McCourt is neck-deep in divorce proceedings with his wife and former Dodgers CEO, Jamie, and the decision of a Los Angeles County court could trigger an unwanted sale of the club over the offseason.


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