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Breaking Down the L.A. Angels' Sub-Par Rotation

At 26-27, the L.A. Angels have been a disappointment thus far. Although they haven't lived up to popular expectations, the Angels only sit 2.5 games behind the first place Oakland A's in the AL West.

A large reason for the Angels lack of production this season has been their inconsistent hitting, led by sub-par pitching. The Angel's pitching staff currently sits at 24th in the MLB with a 4.63 ERA. Their starters have produced a combined 4.56 ERA and gathered 18 of the Angles 26 wins.

The Angels pitching hasn't been awful, but they certainly haven't lived up to expectations.

Immaculate on the Mound: The Nine Best Pitching Performances of All Time

Up until 2010 there had been 18 perfect games in the history of Major League Baseball. This season, in one month alone, Roy Halladay and Dallas Braden tossed two perfectos to go along with a no-hitter by Ubaldo Jiménez earlier this year.

Pitching in the big leagues is one of the hardest things to do in sports.

Nate McLouth And The Hole In Atlanta's Lineup

It's June 1st and I have an alarming stat for Braves fans—this year's primary starting pitchers (Hanson, Hudson, Kawakami, Lowe and Medlen) are having a more successful year at the plate than the starting centerfielder, Nate McLouth. Through 51 games (nearly a third of the year!) the pitchers are hitting .184 and McClouth is hitting .179 with no signs of coming out of his slump.

American League MVP Power Rankings: 10 Early Favorites

We are now two months into the season. While we are still a long way from the end of the season, those players who are in the MVP and Cy Young races are beginning to fall into place.

In the case of the AL MVP award race, the top ten to choose was actually quite easy. These ten are in a class above the others, and although there are several who could work their way into the race, it seems that these ten will have the inside track for the rest of the season.

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The Real Jose Reyes Is Back

Through the first month of the season, Jose Reyes’ struggles were very clear. Reyes hit only .238 with a .295 on base percentage. Reyes simply did not look like the player he had been in the past.

People wondered what had caused Reyes’ struggles. Was it his thyroid problem? His new spot batting third in the batting order? Or was it that Jose was washed up?

Major League Baseball: Wild, Wild, West

Welcome to an up close and personal, first look at the movie "Major League Baseball: Wild, Wild, West", starring umpire Joe West.

First released in Boston, Massachusetts back in April, the movie has since premiered in Chicago, and has finally been released nationwide.

Since the release, MLB fans have recognized it's time to send West packing into the sunset, and for him to leave the game of baseball.

By no means, would this be a picture perfect ending to a long and controversial career, but this goodbye would be well deserved.

Jamie Moyer: Law of Averages Catching Up to Phillies' Ageless Wonder

Jamie Moyer is still an effective major league pitcher.

And it’s still perfectly clear that National League lineups aren’t even close to catching up to the 47-year-old craftsman.

But over Moyer’s past three starts, it seems that the law of averages certainly has...

MLB Featured Columnists' Poll: An Update of the Division Predictions

Tradition dictates that the baseball season is unofficially divided into thirds.

In April and May, fans and coaches assess their teams' rosters. June and July are spent reacting to their earlier observations—making trades and calling up prospects—and August and September are all about the hunt for October.

This week, each team will see the final outs of Game No. 54.

Fantasy Baseball Monday Morning Lineup News: Cruz, Fowler & More

Here’s some of the important news you need to know before finalizing your fantasy line-ups for the week:

Cleveland Indians: What To Do With Crowe, Brantley, Valbuena

As we have now heard, Grady Sizemore is expected to miss a good deal of the year, if not the whole season due to his knee, which needs surgery. This raises several questions for the Indians, the most important of which is what to do in center field.

Michael Brantley was kept in AAA with the Columbus Clippers not because he was playing bad, but because the Indians wanted him to play every day. Well, with Sizemore gone, he can be brought up and can play every day. We can see how good the young prospect can be under pressure, and it works well for the Tribe.


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Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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