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The Problem is Not Javier Vazquez It's Your Expectations

  I’ll admit it, Javier Vazquez is not pitching well. Obviously that is not a huge revelation, but this 0-2 start is not what I expected. Still, a lot of Yankee fans are turning on him and some never forgave him for the grand slam he gave up to Johnny Damon in 2004 and it’s already tired.

Boston Red Sox Claim Right-Hander Santo Luis from the Chicago White Sox

For the second time in his professional career, right-handed pitcher Santo Luis has been claimed by a team named Sox.


During the Minor League portion of the 2007 Rule Five Draft, the White Sox claimed the Dominican Luis from the Houston Astros.


Yankees Take Home Opener Despite Robertson's Implosion

It was a cool, partly cloudy afternoon in the Bronx on Tuesday: the perfect weather for Opening Day at the new Yankee Stadium.

World Series rings were given out, a prank was played on Hideki Matsui (known by his New York faithful as "Gozilla"), and good ol' Jerry Hairston Jr. even stopped by.

The General of the Yankees rotation, Andy Pettitte, took the mound, and from the first pitch on, the game went according to plan:

Derek Jeter hit a home run.
Jorge Posada had three hits and an RBI.
Andy Pettitte pitched six scoreless innings.

Andy Pettitte, Yankees Beat Angels 7-5 in Memorable Home Opener

Tuesday afternoon's game between the Yankees and Angels was certainly more meaningful than just a regular opening game at Yankee Stadium.

Last year in 2009, they opened the brand new ballpark.

This year in 2010, the Yankees celebrated it by receiving their 2009 World Series Championship rings in a pre-game ceremony.

On hand were former Yankees Whitey Ford and Yogi Berra, who helped pass out the rings. Also on hand was former Yankees owner George Steinbrenner to receive his ring from Joe Girardi and Derek Jeter.

Fantasy Baseball: Are You Sure Albert PujoIs Is The Guy?

Joe Mauer: The most important fantasy player in the universe

Most fantasy baseball players who have the luck of picking first in their draft will probably turn to the likes of Albert Pujols, Hanley Ramirez or Alex Rodriguez. Each of these players are elite, if not the best, fantasy players at their positions (1B, SS, and 3B).

Hideki Matsui: New York Yankees Fans Show The Love For Matsui

The Yankees had a special guest on hand for their ring ceremony Tuesday afternoon.  It wasn't Yogi Berra, it wasn't Whitey Ford, and it wasn't George Steinbrenner—although they were all there. 

Hideki Matsui was the true guest of honor in the house that the Core Four built.

Although Matsui wasn't with the likes of Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera, or Andy Pettitte back when the group won their first four rings in the 90s, he still feels like a true Yankee who has been there forever.

Dominic Brown: The Philadelphia Phillies' Next Superstar?

Anyone who’s followed baseball this spring knows the national sports media has been abuzz with talk about a “once in a lifetime” talent…

Who is he? Well, he’s a lefty-hitting, potential five-tool right fielder who happens to play for a club in the National League East.

Give up?

Cincinnati Reds Week One Analysis

The Reds season is now one week old, and positive things are already transpiring.

To begin with, they are four up and three down, which is a real good thing, considering their first two series were against the top two finishers in the NL Central in 2009.

Scott Rolen is beginning to look like the Rolen of 2004 with the Cardinals. He finished that season with an OPS+ of 157.

There is a new young gun in town—I have named him "Iceman." When that takes off, don't forget where you saw it first.

2010 MLB American League Cy Young Race (Week One)

The 2010 American League CY Young race will be a long season battle between a lot of great pitchers. With that said some young pitchers have started the 2010 season trying to make a name for themselves.


2010 CY Young Race Top Five

1. Matt Garza (Tampa Bay)

2. Carl Pavano (Minnesota)

3. Casey Janssen (Toronto)

4. Jon Rauch (Minnesota)

5. Dallas Braden (Oakland)


If Bob Feller Pitched Today

Going into the bottom of the ninth inning, the Chicago White Sox' Opening Day crowd was in a frenzy.

The Sox were trailing the Cleveland Indians, 1-0, but that wasn't the story. Twenty-one-year-old Bob Feller had not allowed a hit.

Feller had walked four batters and struck out eight going into the ninth.


Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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