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Cal Ripken Jr.'s Shares His Favorite MLB All-Star Memory

Cal Ripken Jr. joins Behind the Mic just as MLB holds one of its most celebrated events in New York City, the 2013 MLB All-Star Game. While Cal was obviously in town for the game, he was also in town because he's been working on providing children in need with eye exams and new eyeglasses fitted with Transitions lenses while teaching the kids life lessons through baseball.

The 20 Greatest Individual Seasons in Sports History

Brady and Moss both had great 2007 seasons, but were they good enough to crack the top 20?

The athletes on this list had absolutely amazing and dominant seasons. There are some names you know will be on this list and there may be some you did not expect.

Stan Musial, Bill Russell Presented with Medal of Freedom by President Obama

The St. Louis Cardinal's Hall of Famer Stan "The Man" Musial, along with Boston Celtic legend Bill Russell, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama.

The Medal of Freedom is the highest honor a civilian of the United States can receive for making an exceedingly great contribution to the interests of our country.

Five Reasons You Shouldn't Be Afraid of Fantasy Basketball

Are you new to fantasy basketball? Maybe you have played fantasy sports before but have been hesitant to try out fantasy basketball for one reason or another.

Well, here are five good reasons why you should take the leap and give fantasy basketball a chance if you’ve never played before:


    1) Like any other sport, it takes time to learn.

    Houston Astros Play An All-Star Game In September

    Baseball, like all sports, is in the age of specialization.

    In football, teams have a guy on the roster who is just a long-snapper and a guy who just handle kickoffs. In basketball, teams have guys on their roster who are defensive specialists or three-point specialists.

    In baseball, as we all know, teams have left-handed pitchers on the roster just to pitch to one left-handed batter in the game. Well, the Houston Astros took specialization to another level on Wednesday afternoon.

    Tiger, Elin, and 10 Of The Biggest Splits In Sports

    With the news that Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren made their divorce official and with Frank and Jamie McCourt’s divorce starting tomorrow, August 30th, let’s take a look at some of the other big splits in the professional sports world.

    Begin Slideshow

    Texas Rangers: Nolan Ryan, Mark Cuban Bidding to Become New Owners

    This is the day a lot of people have been waiting for since the decision came down that the Texas Rangers would go up for auction. At this moment it's a two team race, so to speak, as to who will be the new owners of the Texas Rangers. The two teams are groups headed by Attorney Chuck Greenberg and Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan up against Houston businessman Jim Crane and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban .

    Fantasy Baseballl 2010: The Saturday Report: Feb. 26, 2010 Edition

    Another week has flown by, and so comes with it another dose of The Saturday Report.

    A lot of things happened this week including a rash of injuries, and a couple of interesting contracts you may want to read about so let’s not waste any time.


    National League Player News

    Jorge Cantu—Marlins

    Marcus Jordan Wears Jordans; Costs UCF $3 Million

    As you may have heard, Marcus Jordan (you know who's son) wore a pair of Air Jordans during an exhibition against St. Leo.

    Your Salary Is Capped: Why Professional Sports Players Are Overpaid

    Long gone are the days of being a plumber by day, baller by night. Whether that 'baller' be basket, foot, golf, or otherwise related, the players are paid too much.

    Now, when someone sees an NFL player getting paid less than $1,000,000 per year, they say "wow, he's getting screwed."

    It never should have come to this. The money and commercialized culture of sports will be the death of the selfless athlete.

    Remember when all an athlete needed to be happy was a ring, trophy, or medal?

    Neither do I.


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