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Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan

TBT: Michael Jordan Asks for Ken Griffey Jr.'s Autograph at 1993 All-Star Game

We are throwing it back to the 1993 MLB All-Star Game, in honor of Ken Griffey Jr.'s record-setting 2016 Hall of Fame induction, to a moment The Kid shared with Michael Jordan at the height of their respect

The 20 Greatest Individual Seasons in Sports History

Brady and Moss both had great 2007 seasons, but were they good enough to crack the top 20?

The athletes on this list had absolutely amazing and dominant seasons. There are some names you know will be on this list and there may be some you did not expect.

Albert Pujols Will Sign with the Chicago Cubs: The End of the World Is Near‏

As everyone knows Albert Pujols did not sign a contract extension with the Saint Louis Cardinals by the deadline that was put in place by Pujols.  As a result Pujols will become a free agent after the 2011 Major League Baseball season.  At the Winter Meetings, Pujols will sign the largest contract in the history of baseball, 10 years for $300 million, with the Chicago Cubs.  Immediately afterwards the world will start its decline into the apocalypse.

Tiger, Elin, and 10 Of The Biggest Splits In Sports

With the news that Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren made their divorce official and with Frank and Jamie McCourt’s divorce starting tomorrow, August 30th, let’s take a look at some of the other big splits in the professional sports world.

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Why Chicago Is the Greatest City for Sports in the World

I am a Chicago-area native and have been a fan of all things Chicago for years.  I was born in 1983, the year before the Bears won the Super Bowl.  While I do not remember the game as I was too young, I am just happy I was alive for the win.

In Chicago there are legacies that simply cannot be touched by any other team or city, when you put all those things together you get a city known for sports excellence and I'll tell you why.


1.  Chicago Bears

25th Anniversary of 1984: The Greatest Year In U.S. Sports History

In 1984 when I was 13-years old, my shoe size finally caught up with my age. To say I was clumsy was an understatement. I could barely drive to the basket for a layup without tripping over my own feet. Even walking on the sidewalk was a challenge as I struggled to adapt to my body that had sprouted up over the summer.


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Tampa Bay
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