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Colorado Rockies

Colorado Rockies

Rockies-Giants: Colorado Cooks Up a Loss

It is no secret. Everyone who watches the Rockies consistently knows it. There is no way around it. Aaron Cook is awful.

Despite the obvious on the mound, the Rockies continue to put Aaron Cook on the mound every fifth game. On Tuesday night the club paid the price again, losing to the Giants 10-0.

Cook gave up four runs in the first inning, and the damage would have been worse had Ryan Spilborghs not made a good throw to record the third out at the plate.

Colorado Rockies Media: The Case Against Mark Kiszla (Part 2)

Mark Kiszla is at it again.

The Denver Post columnist continues to show why the print media industry is failing. They employ too many columnists who follow a team only long enough to put the franchise's head in a guillotine.

They rile up the passive fans and it sells a few more newspapers, but credibility is lost with fans who pay attention on a daily basis.

Kiszla routinely pulls out a "the Rockies owners are greedy" article and puts a different spin on it. His latest version features a twist, a dagger in the back of his very readers.

Record-Setting Rockies Roll Over Cubs

Who are the Rockies?

After scoring 17 runs over the course of eight games, the Rockies scored 12 runs in one inning on Friday night in a 17-2 rout of the Cubs at Coors Field.

The eighth-inning outburst set club records for hits in an inning, 12, and consecutive hits, with 10.

MLB Trade Rumors: The Colorado Rockies Red Tag Sale Addition

The Rockies are reeling.

Eight straight losses in July will do that to a team. While the Rockies aren’t officially out of anything right now, they will have to have another miracle turn around and play-off run like they had in 2007 to make the playoffs.

But this team isn’t 2007. The 2007 Rockies had better starting pitching and one of the best defenses in the history of major league baseball. Where this team features base-running errors, fielding errors and a high strike out rate for its hitters.

Finally! Rockies End Eight Game Skid

On Thursday afternoon at Coors Field, the Colorado Rockies picked up their first win in seven months, defeating the lowly Pittsburgh Pirates 9-3 to avoid the sweep. So it wasn't actually seven months, but for Rockies fans it felt that way.

Downfall of the Colorado Rockies: Sloppy Play

About four hours after their closer was taken off the field in an ambulance due to a batting practice line drive to the lower abdomen, the Rockies playoff chances took their own shot to the groin.

Coming home was supposed to be a relief. After all, the Rockies finished a home stand 8-2 before heading into the All-Star break. The ability to win at home was a welcomed sight after a 2-9 road trip essentially derailed their playoff hopes.

Colorado Rockies at the MLB Trade Deadline: Part Two, Starting Pitching

This is the second of three articles looking at the Rockies at the trade deadline. The first one was on the bullpen, and the next will be position players/offense. This article will look at starting pitching.

The Rockies have been rumored to be looking at starting pitching at the trade deadline. Just to hear the Rockies as potential buyers is somewhat surprising.

Let’s look at the Rockies current rotation listed in order of ERA/2010 performance:

Are the Colorado Rockies Done?



It is safe to say that this has been a tough week to be a Rockies fan.


Less than two weeks ago, the Rockies were poised to head into the All-Star break tied for first in the National League West. When the Rockies open their eight-game home stand on Tuesday night, they will find themselves eight games out of first place.


Ugly Road Trip for Colorado Leaves Rox Reeling

Well, that was and awful road trip. Two wins and nine losses is not the way to make a playoff run.

Not only did the losses mount on this road trip, but it's the way the losses came that tear the hearts out of Rockies fans. A walk-off homer, a walk-off single, a 3-4 loss on Sunday after being up 3-2, and the game ending with Ian Stewart striking out LOOKING with runners in scoring position, as well as the winning run coming on a wild pitch where Rockies pitcher Rafael Betencourt failed to cover home plate.


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