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As Easy As A-B-C: Baseball's Greatest All-Time Players from A To Z

Christmas Day, 2010: Is there a better day to present you with a list of the greatest players in Major League Baseball history?


Please note: I have picked the best player for each given letter, so some players lucked out by having a name starting with an unusual letter. How else can a pretty good player like Carlos Quentin have the same odds of making my list as Stan Musial, a true all-time great.


One more note: Neither player made my list. Sorry to upset all the Carlos Quentin fans out there. Do read on.


Mets' Stormy Skies: 9 Players New York Absolutely Needs To Replace for 2011

It's always sunny in Philadelphia recently, but the prediction in New York is stormy weather for the foreseeable future. There are a lot of holes in the Mets organization, and the fans are sick of being rained on, over and over again. This list encapsulates the top nine ten players, theoretically an entire team, that the Mets need to replace during the 2011 season.

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No Cliff Lee, No Worries for Yankees, but Questions Still Looming For Rotation

On the mound:

The Yankees will be fine without Cliff Lee. The Yankees don’t NEED Cliff Lee. Would they have liked to have signed him? Of course. Who wouldn’t have? Having C.C. Sabathia, A.J. Burnett, a young 19-game winner in Phil Hughes and possibly Andy Pettitte should be enough for the Yanks. They have a young pitcher in Ivan Nova who, if he fixes his sixth inning troubles, should be a solid pitcher.

Alex Rodriguez: Is Cameron Diaz The Hottest WAG He's Ever Dated?

Alex Rodriguez: Is Cameron Diaz The Hottest WAG He's Ever Dated?

A new baseball offseason is upon us, meaning a new dating season for Yankees' slugger Alex Rodriguez.

Ever since his divorce in 2008 due to infidelity, Rodriguez has been looking for love in all the wrong places.

While there are many rumors of A-Rod spending some quality time with the same prostitutes that New York Governor Eliot Spitzer did, this list is about girls A-Rod is known to have been linked to. 

Read on to see which A-Rod WAG is the hottest and let us know what you think.

Padres Continue To Make Solid, Cost Effective Moves For 2011

While it may have seemed that the Padres playoff chances in 2011 dissipated into shambles following the departure of superstar slugger Adrian Gonzalez to Boston, the Padres brass has responded in the best way possible: making extremely cost effective moves to bring in quality players.

Tampa Bay Rays in '11: It's Not Time To Panic Just Yet

So far this offseason, there has been much talk of the Rays moving Matt Garza and even possibly James Shields. With the big losses of Carl Crawford to Boston and Carlos Pena to Chicago, Rafael Soriano's pending signing with a new squad, along with Jason Bartlett having been dealt to San Diego, it's easy to expect a drop off from a Rays team that won the division just a year ago. However, it is not time to consider moving two of their top pitchers when they have so much dynamic talent coming up from the system soon.

New York Yankees: Projected 2011 Lineup and Starting Rotation As Of Right Now

The New York Yankees have made small signings this year, especially after they missed out on the Cliff Lee Sweepstakes.

Players include Russell Martin, Luis Vizcaino, and Pedro Feliciano.

And if you look at it in a positive way, this is still a similar lineup compared to the 2010 team when they reached the American League Championship Series.

Adding to that, there is money that can be spent on even more signings, which can be critical.

But for now, here is the projected lineup and starting rotation of the New York Yankees, for the 2011 season.

Washington Nationals Paying Jayson Werth $126 Million Is Insanity

The Jayson Werth signing has been bothering me since it was announced.

I understand the Nationals are looking forward, and with the loss of Stephen Strasburg for 2011, they feel they need a big name to energize the fan base. They realize a great ballpark alone will not draw forever. When Nationals Park opened in 2008, the attendance was 29,000 per game. Since then, it has dropped to about 22,500 per game.

Texas Rangers Sign Arthur Rhodes

When searching for lefties for his bullpen, Texas Rangers’ GM Jon Daniels must believe in the phrase “Age is just a number.” He already has one 40-year-old in the pen, who has done pretty well in his stint in a Ranger uniform in Darren Oliver, so why not add another 40-year-old?

The 2011 Oakland Athletics: The Best Offseason Nobody's Talking About

The Oakland A's have made some great moves so far this offseason, but they don't seem to be getting much recognition for it.  

While teams like the Boston Red Sox, Washington Nationals and others have been making large splashes by acquiring big name players, the A's have quietly had one of the best offseasons yet.  


Best of the American League
Tampa Bay
Los Angeles
Total votes: 270

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