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Zach Greinke Could Be Next Denny Mclain, Nationals Dodge a Bullet

Zach Greinke for half of the Washington Nationals? Man, I've seen this story before.

Zack Greinke Traded To Brewers: How Milwaukee Went From Pretender To Contender

Move over Cliff Lee, because this move will make more of an impact than Lee going back to Philadelphia. Zack Greinke was dealt to the Milwaukee Brewers Sunday morning and this shifts the entire outlook of the National League.

The Brewers finished third in the National League Central last year, 14 games back of the Cincinnati Reds. Milwaukee was not light in hitting, but struggled mightily on the mound. They finished 12th in runs scored, but were 26th in ERA.

Busy Baltimore Orioles Lead Small-Market Resurgence

As my previous article about the Oakland A’s described the recent activity of these traditionally small-market and to some extent '80s-competitive “super” power teams, because I discussed the A’s in that article I will omit them from this one, their moves notwithstanding.

Carlos Gonzalez Negotiations This Winter Critical to Colorado Rockies' Future

The Rockies will have all three of their superstars next season—and that’s all that matters to Colorado fans right now.  But, as we inch closer to the dreaded winter of 2014, when Carlos Gonzalez and Ubaldo Jimenez are eligible to become free agents, the upcoming decisions are weighing heavy on GM Dan O’Dowd’s mind.

From laughingstocks to newsmakers: The Washington Nationals are up for a fight

They may not have the best stadium, uniforms, or team on paper, but they are certainly capable of drawing up some serious headlines. 

In the last two years they have drafted two phenoms: Stephen Strasburg and Bryce Harper.   

Lesser known early round picks like Drew Storen out of Stanford, stepped right in and made quite an impression for a last placed squad; 4-4, 3.58 ERA, 54 games, five saves, and 52 strikeouts in 55 innings. 

He Who Hesitates Is Lost: Where Do the Yanks Sit After Missing Out on Cliff Lee?

He who hesitates is lost. Or, in my experience, he who sleeps in misses the bus.

The Yankees were looking good. The assumed front-runners to nab Cliff Lee, the Yankees somehow lost him to a late arrival to the party, the Philadelphia Phillies. Apparently, Lee decided on Philly because of the "fans and a great atmosphere" and also hinted that it may have been what his wife wanted.

Boston Red Sox Continue To Revamp Bullpen, Sign Dan Wheeler

The Boston Red Sox really aren’t messing around this offseason. They are crossing all of their T’s and dotting all of their I’s in preparation for 2011 season.

If Boston felt they needed something this offseason, they have gone out and got it. One of the main areas that Boston needed help in this offseason was their bullpen.

Los Angeles Angels: Is Arte Moreno Making a Fiscal Statement or Protecting Fans?

Los Angeles Angels owner Arte Moreno could probably be accused of a lot of things, but one of them will never be loyalty to his fan base. In the seven plus years that Arte Moreno has owned the Angels, he has steadfastly committed himself that the baseball experience at Angels Stadium remains affordable for fans, and that, with the exception of the 5-year, $90 million contract given to center fielder Torii Hunter, the team remains committed to exercising fiduciary responsibility.

Cliff Lee and Why the Yankees Offseason Has Been a Disaster

So wait. What just happened?

In the span of two weeks, the New York Yankees, my Yankees, the team that can buy any player it wants, just saw two All-Stars go to their biggest rival. Then, on Monday, we saw Cliff Lee, the guy we have been courting like a Shakespearian character for two years, settle for less money with the Philadelphia Phillies.

I am still confused, still wandering aimlessly around my house. How did this happen?

Gonzalez & Crawford

Giants' First World Series Title In San Francisco Excites San Jose Sports Bar

Fans have dubbed most of the Giants’ 2010 season and postseason as torture, but after the team’s impressive World Series victory against the Texas Rangers, the Giants’ faithful at the High Five Pizza Co. restaurant and sports bar felt euphoric.


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