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MLB Rumors: New York Yankees Should Bring Johnny Damon Back For 2011

It's a few days before Christmas and so far, the Yankees have been relatively quiet in their off-season shopping.

So far, after missing out on Cliff Lee, the Yankees have brought in Russell Martin to be the starting catcher and Pedro Feliciano for the bullpen.

For the Yankees, that's an extremely quiet winter considering their deep pockets and myriad of resources.

Right now, though, it looks like the Yankees are attempting to bring back a familiar face to the lineup.

Pittsburgh Pirates: Would Bringing Back Octavio Dotel Be A Good Fit?

There hasn't been much to the Pittsburgh Pirates offseason so far. The signings of pitchers Kevin Correia and Scott Olsen, along with inking first baseman Lyle Overbay and outfielder Matt Diaz, likely make the Pirates a marginally better team than in 2010.

Then again, when you finish the season 57-105, anything you do in December likely makes you a better team.

New York Yankees: What to Do with Jesus Montero?

After the Yankees missed on Cliff Lee, there has been a lot of talk about Jesus Montero being used as a major trade chip to haul in another ace. The ONLY way I am in favor of this is if Felix Hernandez somehow is put on the block.

If it is not King Felix, I say hold on to him. Montero is the top Yankee prospect, top five in all of baseball, according to Baseball America and it would be a shame to lose him.

Yankees 2011 Leadoff Man: With Jeter's Clock Ticking, Could It Be Brett Gardner?

For the past two seasons, Derek Jeter has been leading off for the New York Yankees after spending many years in the two-hole.

At the beginning of 2009, Joe Girardi explained that Jeter was a "more pure" lead-off man than Johnny Damon. Speculation has it that it was also because Jeter frequently hits into double-plays.

Bob Green of Montana Tech Retires: Can We Get Him on the Mets' Coaching Staff?

Many Mets fans are expecting this to be a long season. However, there is one way that Mets management can make the year a lot more interesting: Hire former Montana Tech football coach Bob Green.

Yes, Bob Green has no experience coaching baseball. However, he would be perfectly fine as a bench coach.

Most readers have no idea as to why this suggestion would even make sense. I direct you to the video below.

Chicago White Sox Still in the Mix: Don't Forget the South Side

With all of the hoopla surrounding the Boston Red Sox (Carl Crawford, Adrian Gonzalez, Bobby Jenks), the Washington Nationals (Jayson Werth), the Philadelphia Phillies (Cliff Lee) and the Milwaukee Brewers (Zack Greinke), it seems that the Chicago White Sox have been dismissed as a contender for 2011.

Rich Harden: Former A's Pitching Ace Returns To Oakland on 1-Year Deal

Rich Harden rejoined his former team, the Oakland Athletics on a 1 year deal. The contract is known to be worth $1.5 million.

Harden, now 29 years of age, started his major league career at 21 with the Athletics.

He looked like he would have a bright future as the ace of the team after his 1st full season, collecting 11 wins and an ERA just under 4.00 back in 2004

What's Better, an NFL Division Title or an MLB Division Title?

Last night the Chicago Bears clinched the NFC North division and secured themselves a return to the playoffs for the first timce since their Super Bowl run in 2006.

The players donned their NFC North title baseball caps. They smiled on the sidelines.  Lovie Smith wore his smug smile during the post game conference.

I clapped.  High-fived my brother and drove home in a snow storm, and didn't really think twice about it.

Erik Bedard: Not a Total Jerk and How He Could Help the Seattle Mariners in 2011

It's possible that the expectations for Erik Bedard, especially considering what Bill Bavasi sent to Baltimore to get him, added to the perception that he's a jerk. He's not a great interview. He gives that little smile when asked a question he doesn't like. There is a belief that he doesn't care.

New York Mets: All Quiet on the 'Metstern' Front

OK, so this title is a bit corny, but it certainly rings true as the Mets approach the half-way point of the offseason. Spring training is a little over a months and a half away, and it appears the Mets still have much to do to gear up for the season.


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