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Doing The Wright Thing

So far, this season hasn't exactly been smooth for the New York Mets third basemen David Wright.

As of today, Wright is second in the National League in strikeouts with 58. Wright is on pace to strikeout 222 times, just one shy of Mark Reynolds single-season record that he set in 2009.

In 2009, Wright struck out just 140 times. If you think we as fans are the only ones confused, imagine how he must be feeling.

Wright is hitting only .261, with eight home runs, and 32 RBIs. It is safe to say that he's having an extremely slow start.

Could Jermaine Dye Cure What Ails the Baltimore Orioles?

Anyone who has seen the Orioles bat this season knows how terrible they have been. Actually, one doesn’t even need to do that much; they just need to look at their record (14-30) and number of runs scored (26th in the MLB).

Amongst many things creating a shortage of runs is the lack of power in the O’s lineup. Now, manufacturing runs via baserunning and situational hitting can be improved throughout the season, but power can’t. Teams either have it, or they don’t. The Orioles don’t.

What's Wrong With The Baseball Hall Of Fame?

Rogers Hornsby was the greatest of the great second baseman. It isn't even close.

Johnny Evers was a good second baseman for the Chicago Cubs during their glory days, which ended more than 100 years ago.

Comparing Rogers Hornsby to Johnny Evers is analogous to comparing Albert Pujols to Adam LaRoche.

Hornsby was the National League MVP in 1925 and again in 1929. He won the Triple Crown in 1922 and again in 1925.

In 1924, Hornsby batted .424, which is a mark that will never be approached.

Five Available Players the San Francisco Giants Should Pass On

It's official. After a 1-0 loss to the Oakland A's, the Giants should be in panic mode when it comes to upgrading the offense. Aaron Rowand isn't cutting it at leadoff (though this isn't exactly "surprising" news) and for whatever reason, Pablo Sandoval has suddenly transformed from budding-Vlad Guerrero to budding-Randall Simon.

Andrew Cashner: Coming Soon to Wrigley Field?

Last night for the Chicago Cubs Triple-A affiliate in Iowa, one of the less heralded potential superstar prospects in baseball had another good night.

Andrew Cashner, the Cubs first round draft pick in 2008, dominated for seven innings as the Iowa Cubs won 1-0. Cashner was an elite closer in college, but the Cubs are trying to make him into a starter.


Since being promoted to Triple-A, Cashner is putting up numbers that could easily be confused for those of super-prospect Stephen Strasburg of the Washington Nationals.

It's Yost Time: Ned Yost Continues to Improve the Kansas City Royals As a Whole

Ned Yost, former Major League player and manager of the Milwaukee Brewers, is leading the Kansas City Royals: to the bright side of things.

Yost was fired as the Brewers manager, even after posting a 83-67 record, his best winning percentage yet at that time.

After his firing, the Royals put Yost as their bench coach, while Trey Hillman was leading the Royals to another disaster season.

New York Yankees Next 35 Games Are Of Extreme Importance

The Yankees began a crucial 35-game stretch Thursday night with a 8-6 loss to the Tampa Bay Rays. The Bombers then have split the first two games of the Subway Series against the cross-town New York Mets.

The Rays showed just how much better they are than the Yankees, with better pitching, scoring early and having a back end of the bullpen which did not blow games.

They also out-scouted the Yankees, using defensive positioning to help defend Mark Teixeira and surprisingly, the newly-promoted Juan Miranda. 

Awakening Of a Sleeping Giant: Ken Griffey Jr.

Thank you ESPN. Thank you Seattle newspapers. Thank you Mariners fans. Thank you radio talk shows. Thank you sports world. Oh yeah, and thank you Kevin Gregg.

I say thank you to all of the above because you have awoken one of the greatest baseball players of all time from his slumber.

Throughout this season, Griffey had been criticized day in and day out on how he should retire. People have said he's too old, doesn't have the same bat anymore, and simply cannot perform at the Major League level.

What Jimmy Rollins Can Learn From Terry Francona


“You can do a lot with two inches.”

That’s what my son said while pondering his binder preferences at Staples.

Maybe you can.

You can also do a lot with two pitches. Cole Hamels tossed his curve into his limited repertoire but it was his fastball and change-up that ruled the game.

As a result, Ricky Botallico said Cole Hamels has “turned the corner.”

Are you kidding me?

Fantasy Baseball Box Score Breakouts, May 21, 2010

Here’s a look at the unheralded players who played well yesterday.



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